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ArizonaImage wrote:
I bought Affinity's PS clone as a PS alternative for the few times per year I would need that level of image editing capability. That was way back when I was using LR6 standalone and wanted to hold out as long as possible before having to transition to the subscription model. It seems like good, competent software. The biggest challenge I had with it was that after decades of using Photoshop, Affinity's clone was very close but the interface and shortcuts were different enough that it was basically like having to relearn Photoshop from scratch again, which can be a pretty steep learning curve for more complex tasks. Now that I'm on subscription for LR Classic and PS is included in the photography plan, I've gone back to PS because of my familiarity with it when I need to do something quickly but that LR can't do.
Therefore if you're in the Adobe ecosystem already and don't plan to leave any time soon, there's no real point to buying Affinity's apps now that basically do the same things. If you're looking for options to remain outside Adobe's ecosystem, Affinity is probably worth considering as a PS alternative.