Abbott Schindl Offline Upload & Sell: Off
In addition to RRS, you could look at Gitzo (my preferred brand). I've been using them for ~15 years and they've been terrific.
BTW: B&H has been putting Gitzo (and Manfrotto tripods on sale lately. I'd be tempted, but I've already got a Systematic, Mountaineer, Traveler, and a monopod and don't need yet another tripod.
One thing: although I highly recommend Gitzo tripods, I'm not fond of their heads. I much prefer FLM (the previous design, not the current redesigned ones) much more, and even my Sirui beats the Gitzo units I've had.
I hope you're prepared to do a bit of research, because I'm sure you're going to see recommendations for Leofoto, Benro, Sirui, Manfrotto, 3-Legged Thing, and a number of other popular brands