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Jim Dockery wrote:
Excellent shots of a sad situation.
jcnemy wrote:
Lovely shots Gary and hoping Mother Nature finds a way for this guy to persevere and thrive!
louie champan wrote:
Two super images Gary, always sad to see or hear for such things happening. You've documented it very well.
csinseattle wrote:
A couple very nice photos. it is sad and concerning and hope he survives it with a quality life
Chris S.
Dave_E wrote:
Gary very very sad. Last year we had a similar problem with a GBH here. An older heron was always bullying a younger heron chasing it away all the time. One day the younger heron was in a tree about 25 above the ground and the the older heron flew right into and they both tumbled to the ground. From then on the young one walked with a bad limp with an injured leg. We called Toronto Wildlife who are fantastic, and they came out 3 times but could never catch the injured one as it could still fly really well. Eventually we stopped seeing the limper so we are not sure what happened, and we had a lot of people keeping an eye out. Not easy in the wild sometimes.
Dave...Show more →
I appreciate all your input and thanks for sharing your experiences. I guess it's just one of those things nature has to sort out on it's own. The Osprey are both on the nest so I'll be going back to see how that progresses and I'll keep a look out for this guy.