mcbroomf Offline Upload & Sell: Off
Let's be sure we are using "desktop" the same way. When you say set the catalog up on the external SSD rather than the way I usually do it, right on my desktop you are referring to the Desktop on your laptop right? If so then that is correct. The reason is that the Import function from your main LR catalog when you get home needs to locate the .lrcat file from your travel catalog. If it's on your laptop you can't find it, so keeping it with the images on the external drive is easier. Not a bad idea to take 2 drives and duplicate them on the road as well, so that way you get a copy of the LR catalog as well as the images.
When you get home you connect that drive to your desktop and in your main desktop LR catalog use the "Import from another Catalog" option. The dialog window will have you locate a .lrcat file, and you locate the one on your external drive. This will import the images and all of the edits to your desktop catalog made within the travel catalog while you were away.
Sounds like you are well organized so I don't foresee any issues, but I would suggest making a small test catalog on an external drive with your laptop. Do some edits and give the import a try.