anthonysemone Offline Upload & Sell: Off
sjms wrote:
a loss is out of their control. so there is only one other that will take the responsibility. it may work well for some less so for others.
Correct, at least according to my CC, Apple was responsible because I got an immediate reversal of my payment. When I contacted Apple support by phone, the Supervisor with whom I spoke to advise her of my charge-back, advised me that "when (not if) the reversal is recorded in my CC account, I should just keep what's left of the purchase. I then told her I'd replace the missing pod and, since I got a full refund, I'd simply return the then full package to the store for the store to do with as it chose to do. She checked with her Supervise who said "Just keep it."
A simple disclaimer up front would have saved a lot of effort, ya know "Dear Buyer, there is a reasonable probability, based upon thousands of customer reports, that you may have one or both of the pods fall out, especially if you move your head while walking or carrying on some other form of more intense activity. BE ADVISED APPLE WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SUCH LOSS." See, that'd be simple. Reading that, I'd've never bought it to begin with. But, all's well that ends well. Oh, I did buy the replacement pod. Fell out while I was sitting at my desk typing.