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Desmolicious wrote:
Careful with the original. A 40mm lens that is guess focus only so good luck at larger apertures and close to mid distances. All the ones I’ve looked at have had shutter issues at speed below 1/30. Never met a camera more susceptible to being dropped - seriously try and find one that does not have a dented corner.
Just buy a cheap plastic p&s that takes great pics…
Scale focus - it's written on the lens. Close to mid isn't so hard. I know how far my arms reach is, a pace, an inert human body lying between me and my subject, two inert bodies end to end, penalty spot to goal line, wicket to wicket on a cricket pitch and so on. I am a human rangefinder (sounds better in a speak and spell voice!)
I think the Rollei 35 is epic, a 40mm lens in such a tiny camera, all controllable from above including metering with a built in wrist strap. No more or less droppable than any other camera. I couldn't let such flippant dismissal of it pass!!! If only it didn't flare quite so much sometimes!
Having said that, I'd definitely buy one of these to support the endeavour, they're not in competition.