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johnld wrote:
Don't do video, so my comments are for stills only...
Agree on the distractions in the backgrounds and certain un cropped elements in the couples formal. Airy, light pinks are nice in the second, but I'd take out some contrast, crop to better ratios and maybe a little vignette? It makes it a little less "digital", imo. Subjective opinion of course, but consistency is key! With the bridesmaids, perhaps getting a wee bit higher/lower and using a faster aperture can give some more isolation with less DOF. Wait for a moment when the bridesmaids are looking at each other and not the primary shooter. It makes it more of your own if building a portfolio. As mentioned, the dress is a distraction with dirt, grass, etc. Also, considering getting someone to fan out the dress for better symmetry too. Brides love it when their expensive dress is displayed in all its glory. Obviously, the overall (color) aesthetic is going to be your primary shooters final choice, but I'd work on creating your signature look too. Play with fill flash and ambient with those beautiful raked shadows of late afternoon. Even as a second, I'd get tight details, shoot at wide apertures when getting creative on the same focal plane (like a tight shot of bride looking at bouquet). Being a second or assistant shooter doesn't mean you can't take a little artistic license either. Overall exposures are good and stopping down plays it safe, but brides are looking at Pinterest for ideas and poses, so get creative. Nicely done. ...Show more →
So between the 1st and 2nd photo, which colors are more relevant? Or is that sort of a personal preference by the photographer? As I said before it seems like what's "in" is a less saturated, warmer look. But, I'm assuming that's the photographer's style which some like and want that, so I guess that would make sense with creating my signature look as they did. Sound about right?