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p.1 #16 · p.1 #16 · Z9 Upcoming 4.2 or 5.0 firmware possibilities..OR Z9II | |
bernardl wrote:
I am not sure the 4 years cycle applies to mirrorless flagships, we don't have any data points one way or the other.
Besides, Nikon used to have minor updates half way through the life cycle of their bodies, so this is a possibility also.
Of course in mirrorless more things can be done through firmware, but the envelope is pretty much driven by the SOC used to process data, so a Z9s could mean an Expeed 7x of some sort.
Expeed 7 is probably around 3 years old if we believe the rumors that the Z9 was delayed due to covid. Smaller manufacturing processes have been made available in the mean time, so an Expeed 7x or even an Expeed 8 is totally possible as we speak.
Add to that a larger buffer, a slightly improved EVF (even brighter, 240 fps), a redesigned memory card door, pixel shift, a digital hot shoe, a new battery,... and you have interesting material for a Z9s that could reach at least 30 fps raw, have raw pre-capture, have an even better AF,...
Not sure it's gong to happen, but it's a credible possibility ahead of the Olympics and to keep the Z9 in the race against the phantom R1 and possible a1II.
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Until they show otherwise, the cycle is 4 years in flagships. So we'll see. The delay for the Expeed 7 wasn't COVID. The Z9 just want ready to be released at that time and the insane 2.0 FW update proven that. They panic released it because the R3 was released a couple months earlier.
There an Olympics every 2 years, winter and summer. Nikon doesn't put a flagship out every 2 years. People need to think instead of losing their minds over rumors.
I find it infinitely more possible a major FW update is coming for the Z9 than a Z9II or Z9h or whatever the flavor of the month is next with Nikon Rumors