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Peter Figen wrote:
Years ago I used to remove the power lines but that was when I had a different attitude toward them or things like them. Today I just see them as part of the landscape that have been there for decades so removing them seems not quite right to me, and since this was shot in morning light where the sun was hitting them directly, they do reflect brightly, but I'm fine with that, plus, if you remove the lines then you also have to remove all the support structure for them or they make no sense. But if you go shoot on a different day, a different time of year or a different time of day and perhaps a different angle, it'll all look just a bit different. I encourage everyone to make the trek there, make your own images and drive the Old Coast Road, y'know, just because you can, and then you can see what it was like to get to Big Sur before the bridge was built. ...Show more →
FWIW, I've shot that thing a lot of times — probably too many. I spend a fair amount of time in the Big Sur area. (May even go down there later today.)
Here's a Bixby shot where I decided to remove all that stuff. My feeling about it (and I'm open to alternative opinions!) is that the wires are "subjectively invisible" to me when I'm looking at the scene, so I don't think it is inappropriate to remove them. (Or, as a photographer friend of mine likes to say about such things, "Maybe they weren't always there.")
I didn't use a TS for this shot, but I suspect that I did adjust for line convergence in post along the lines mentioned above.
Funny thing: I've photographed Sur Point and the lighthouse lots of times, but I don't think I ever shot it straight on from that angle. I like it. (Give the typical colors in the foreground, I think one reason it works here is because it is monochrome.)