Peter Figen Offline Upload & Sell: On
speedgraphic wrote:
It may seem silly but I'm having a bit of a crisis on confidence in the 100S purchase. I almost think I should just get a Nikon ZF which is a bit more affordable and has similar, though lower resolution, pixel shift capabilities.
I think you're fixating on the wrong things here. Forget about the pixel shifting and instead, buy a great macro - either the Pentax, Mamiya or the Contax and use the full frame whenever possible and you won't need the pixel shift. I bought my Contax 120mm macro from Sean's Camera West in Palm Springs (I knew Sean from when he had a shop in Monterey) for only $800 and the Fringer adapter for another $700 making it $1500 for one kick ass 1:1 macro. And if you do want to try pixel shifting, you certainly can but it also adds multiple steps to each frame you use it on and there's a good chance that it will not be successful if even one frame is not perfect and on top of that you need a whole 'nuther software package to process those into dng's and then process those into usable tiffs. And having done camera scans of 35mm and 6x7 frames using as much of the GFX frame as possible, with the best lenses available, I can say with a high degree of certainty, because I've compared these to my own drum scanner, that there is precious little difference. The 35mm copies using the full frame are damned close to scanning at 8000 dpi on the Howtek and the 6x7 cm frames using the full GFX format are very very close to scanning those on the drum scanner at 4000 dpi.
You keep talking about backing off and using the center of a lesser lens using pixel shift to make up the difference. The main reason that won't work, and there are actually more than one, is that that resolution, even if it works as advertised on the sensor, would likely be far greater than that lens is capable of, and secondly, you're working at a distance that the lens is not optimized for, further diminishing your potential resolution.
If I were in your decision predicament, I'd probably rent the camera for a couple of weeks, but I don't really know what you'd do about renting a quality macro as you'd probably only find the 1:2 ratio Fuji macro, which would not be a good pick for you.