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vjbelle15 wrote:
Thought I would post how I use my CFV 100C. Works great on my Cambo.... the attached lens is a Rodenstock 50mm HR. Wonderful files and it is very unlikely I will be purchasing any Hasselblad lenses as I already have a Fuji 100 II and numerous lenses. I also have a AS M-Two but the cost for conversion to a DB is 4X the cost of the Cambo so I haven't pulled that trigger yet...
Victor B.
Victor, you might be one of the very few people who can answer two oddball questions. I'm posting them here rather than sending you a note because the answers will be relevant to others who read this thread.
(1) You have an M-Two and an Actus. What do you think about the focus mechanism on the M-Two versus the stock Actus? I've read that the stock Actus focus mechanism is not good, and it needs the expensive add-on Fine Focus knob.
(2) Have you used your Rodenstock HR 50mm on your Actus with Fuji GFX on the back, as well as with your CFV 100C? I ask because if you have, I'm curious if you're seeing a difference in image quality. I've had to adjust the cell spacing on all of my non-retrofocus lenses wider than 80mm to get good performance. The issue is the thick cover glass on the GFX cameras. It's the same issue that bedevilled people adapting rangefinder lenses to the Sony A7 back in the day. Closing up the cell spacing resulted in a significant jump in image quality in my Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Digitar 35/5.6, Mamiya N 43mm f/4.5 L, Mamiya G 50mm f/4 L, and Mamiya N 65mm f/4 L. The Mamiya N 80mm f/4 L and Mamiya N 150mm f/4.5 L did not need adjustment.