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Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced


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p.4 #1 · p.4 #1 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

Thought I would post how I use my CFV 100C. Works great on my Cambo.... the attached lens is a Rodenstock 50mm HR. Wonderful files and it is very unlikely I will be purchasing any Hasselblad lenses as I already have a Fuji 100 II and numerous lenses. I also have a AS M-Two but the cost for conversion to a DB is 4X the cost of the Cambo so I haven't pulled that trigger yet...

Victor B.

May 05, 2024 at 08:33 AM
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p.4 #2 · p.4 #2 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

vjbelle15 wrote:
Thought I would post how I use my CFV 100C. Works great on my Cambo.... the attached lens is a Rodenstock 50mm HR. Wonderful files and it is very unlikely I will be purchasing any Hasselblad lenses as I already have a Fuji 100 II and numerous lenses. I also have a AS M-Two but the cost for conversion to a DB is 4X the cost of the Cambo so I haven't pulled that trigger yet...

Victor B.

Victor, you might be one of the very few people who can answer two oddball questions. I'm posting them here rather than sending you a note because the answers will be relevant to others who read this thread.

(1) You have an M-Two and an Actus. What do you think about the focus mechanism on the M-Two versus the stock Actus? I've read that the stock Actus focus mechanism is not good, and it needs the expensive add-on Fine Focus knob.

(2) Have you used your Rodenstock HR 50mm on your Actus with Fuji GFX on the back, as well as with your CFV 100C? I ask because if you have, I'm curious if you're seeing a difference in image quality. I've had to adjust the cell spacing on all of my non-retrofocus lenses wider than 80mm to get good performance. The issue is the thick cover glass on the GFX cameras. It's the same issue that bedevilled people adapting rangefinder lenses to the Sony A7 back in the day. Closing up the cell spacing resulted in a significant jump in image quality in my Schneider-Kreuznach APO-Digitar 35/5.6, Mamiya N 43mm f/4.5 L, Mamiya G 50mm f/4 L, and Mamiya N 65mm f/4 L. The Mamiya N 80mm f/4 L and Mamiya N 150mm f/4.5 L did not need adjustment.

May 05, 2024 at 07:01 PM

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p.4 #3 · p.4 #3 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

Hi Rod.... I have the fine focus knobs on both the tilt and rail focus for the Actus. Nothing focuses as fine as the Actus with the upgraded knobs. However I have never thought I needed anything finer than the fine focus on the M-Two even though it is less fine than the Actus. The stock focus knobs on the Actus are similar to the M-Two.

As an example for the fine focus - to move one MM with the fine focus on the Actus is a fulI turn of the knob and about a quarter turn with the M-Two. I'm speaking from memory now but I have been asked this question before and this is what I recall. I can confirm tomorrow if you want.

I had thought about selling my Actus many times after purchasing the M-Two but am glad I didn't. Easily as accurate as the M-Two but with more limited movements. But I don't need the extra movement range and the weight advantage is a blessing.

Cannot use the 50 HR with a GFX as it will not reach infinity. The lens, though, is outstanding and way beyond the capabilities of the Schneider 60XL. The thick cover glass on the GFX does affect some lenses such as V lenses which exhibit anomalies that are not seen when using the same lenses with my CFV 100C. Extreme curvature with the 80mm V is an example that is seen on the GFX and not seen with the CFV 100C.

Victor B.

May 05, 2024 at 08:20 PM
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p.4 #4 · p.4 #4 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

vjbelle15 wrote:
Hi Rod.... I have the fine focus knobs on both the tilt and rail focus for the Actus. Nothing focuses as fine as the Actus with the upgraded knobs. However I have never thought I needed anything finer than the fine focus on the M-Two even though it is less fine than the Actus. The stock focus knobs on the Actus are similar to the M-Two.

As an example for the fine focus - to move one MM with the fine focus on the Actus is a fulI turn of the knob and about a quarter turn with the M-Two.
...Show more

Thanks Victor.

May 05, 2024 at 09:03 PM

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p.4 #5 · p.4 #5 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

Sorry for the Rod.... and not 'Rob'....


May 05, 2024 at 09:46 PM

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p.4 #6 · p.4 #6 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

Rob..... I checked the fine knob movement on the Actus and to clarify 1mm of movement = 1/4 turn of the fine focus knob.

Victor B.

May 06, 2024 at 07:14 AM

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p.4 #7 · p.4 #7 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

It seems that Hasselblad bodies and lenses are always out of stock.

If I place an order for a lens, how long delivery time should I expect? What about the 907x 100C ? Is it in weeks, months or even years?

I'm seriously thinking about selling my GFX system for the leap to 907x. I certainly can sell the GFX first to get the money for the Hassy, but if it takes like months to receive the new system, then I might just arrange my savings and sell GFX not before the new one arrives.

Sep 08, 2024 at 04:32 AM
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p.4 #8 · p.4 #8 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

tommmi wrote:
It seems that Hasselblad bodies and lenses are always out of stock.

If I place an order for a lens, how long delivery time should I expect? What about the 907x 100C ? Is it in weeks, months or even years?

I'm seriously thinking about selling my GFX system for the leap to 907x. I certainly can sell the GFX first to get the money for the Hassy, but if it takes like months to receive the new system, then I might just arrange my savings and sell GFX not before the new one arrives.

I can only speak for the US but the situation seems to have improved much. For the 907x e.g. it now says shipment within 2 days. The supply of some of the newer lenses like the 25V and the 90V still seems to be problematic but the older lenses are readily available and lenses like the 38V/55V/28P will ship within 20 days. Probably still not ideal but much much better than it was.

Sep 08, 2024 at 06:16 AM
Stephen G
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p.4 #9 · p.4 #9 · Hasselblad CFV 100C Announced

Situation is a lot better than ~6 months back in the US.
At this point if I set my mind to it, I could get my hands on any lens I want with 2-3 weeks notice I think. Just a matter of spending the dough..

The original 30/45/45p/65/80, zoom, and 135 are usually generally available for immediate shipment in the usual places.

Even the 28P/25V/38V/55V are generally available with maybe a few weeks wait at worst if you are patient and do a little hunting around. Several of these are in-stock right now if you shop around. They are clearly produced in batches and which of the Vs is lesser stocked rotates by the month... as of this moment the 55V seems to be harder to get.

The 90V is an exception in that it remains very scarce for whatever reasons.

The used market is reasonably robust now and you can probably fill in gaps there.
Personally for lesser used focal length I've also adapted some H mount lenses - 120 macro (no AF) and 80/2.8.

Support some of the smaller shops like Capture Integration, Fotocare, Camerawest, etc.

Sep 08, 2024 at 11:42 AM
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