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Moving to another system….thoughts

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p.1 #1 · p.1 #1 · Moving to another system….thoughts

A year ago I purchased a used Pentax K10D, basically out of boredom and also to try other systems as I’ve been a canon user since the early 90’s

Over Christmas, I fished out the K10, unbelievably the battery was still fully charged!!

Anyway, put a card in, added a 18-55WR lens and went out into the rain, no bag, nothing just a lens cap and my coat. I shielded the camera under my coat until I got to the local woods, then decided it would have face the elements. It got soaked 😂, but never once missed a beat. Pictures are all pretty crap as I’m still trying to find my way around the camera.

However once back home, dried it with a tea towel and left it in the coldest room in the house to climatise.

But it’s made me think whether to stay with canon or go.
I really really dislike the R stuff, actually hate it tbh. I do have a RP and several RF lenses. Not used any of it for months.
I love my gripped 5diii & 100-400Lii love it 💕
But it’s a heavy beast that I only use for sons football.
The canon M system - I have the entire inventory except the M200
But, I find when I’m using it I’m always pandering to the camera & lenses, they are so fragile plus not weatherproof.

So, I’m seriously considering changing systems
But keeping the 5diii combo. Plus the spare 5diii I have as back up

Has anyone else moved away?
I’d hazard a guess no one has moved to Pentax??
I won’t go Sony or Fuji/Olympus
Sony looks so uncomfortable - never held one, but the angular body just makes me think it wouldn’t be as comfortable as canon DSLR’s
I find the Fuji (and Olympus) with their retro styling a little too pretentious plus the cost of their better lenses are eye watering.

I suppose there is Nikon, but they too have moved over to mirrorless with their Z range
Ugh, no ta

Does anyone have similar thoughts?

I’m not into video, and tbh I’ll probably be upgrading my phone next year to the iPhone 15, hence that will cover my video needs.

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 02:39 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 01:17 PM
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p.1 #2 · p.1 #2 · Moving to another system….thoughts

If you are not happy with what Canon has to offer I don't see you being happy with any other brand. Unless you are looking for a very specialized camera to shoot something very specific, there's no need to look for happiness elsewhere.

Personally, I think you would be better off selling all your old 16 camera bodies and 24 old lenses and just getting an R5 and a few lenses. The R5 is still Canon's only camera that does it all. If you don't want or need the extra resolution, then the R6II is great as well and can do it all with 24MP.

Dec 27, 2023 at 01:26 PM
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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · Moving to another system….thoughts

If you like dslr's, your 5dmk3 is excellent, and Pentax is the new king of dslr's.

I have tossed around the idea of going with Pentax, but I can't justify the expense at this time (I have an R6 with several EF and RF lenses, plus a Sony A7c with a few lenses).

While some here will soon chime in with their usual "it's not the camera that makes you a better photographer, it's your skills" lecture, I personally think that if you have a camera you truly enjoy using you will be happier taking pictures.

Side note: do as much research as possible into what Pentax camera model you are looking at purchasing. Several models have known issues.

Dec 27, 2023 at 01:37 PM
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p.1 #4 · p.1 #4 · Moving to another system….thoughts

artsupreme wrote:
If you are not happy with what Canon has to offer I don't see you being happy with any other brand. Unless you are looking for a very specialized camera to shoot something very specific, there's no need to look for happiness elsewhere.

Personally, I think you would be better off selling all your old 16 camera bodies and 24 old lenses and just getting an R5 and a few lenses. The R5 is still Canon's only camera that does it all. If you don't want or need the extra resolution, then the R6II is great as well and can do
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I just can’t warm to the R system
And yet the pictures I took with the RP are really nice, super sharp and contrasty. But the whole balance and ergonomics of a lighter smaller body and freaking huge lenses if you’re wanting anything that’s fastish it’s got to be L otherwise it’s the dreadfully slow consumer zooms that I quite honestly detest, absolutely despise them. There no middle ground…

Huge expensive faster L glass
Slow (still expensive) consumer zooms

Each mated to a lightweight small body

The balance for me is just off.
The aps-c R system…. Let’s not even start there!!

I reckon my canon system should fetch a fairly considerable amount . (There is a lot of it)

I don’t need to replicate it all again should I change over.

Just wondered f anyone else had moved away from canon recently.

Dec 27, 2023 at 01:55 PM
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p.1 #5 · p.1 #5 · Moving to another system….thoughts

If you are not happy with Canon mirrorless, I think you will not enjoy any other brand's mirrorless offerings. (That said, there is rather a world of difference in handling and performance between your RP and something like an R6II, in case you have not tried a higher end body.)

The 5D Mark III is a fine DSLR and EF-mount lenses are plentiful. Nothing wrong with just sticking with that.

If you want a DSLR with certain modern bells and whistles, like IBIS and pixel-shift high resolution modes, then Pentax is the only game in town. You'd be investing in a brand that, while still current, is likely facing a precarious future. And you'd have to acquire all-new lenses for a mount with little third-party support. (While Canon DSLRs and EF lenses are all but discontinued as well, so many were sold that you will be able to find good condition used gear indefinitely into the future, at affordable prices.)

Maybe try renting a Pentax and a couple of lenses, if you can one, to see if it provides the shooting experience you are craving before making a decision.

Good luck.

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 03:10 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:01 PM
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p.1 #6 · p.1 #6 · Moving to another system….thoughts

snegron7 wrote:
If you like dslr's, your 5dmk3 is excellent, and Pentax is the new king of dslr's.

I have tossed around the idea of going with Pentax, but I can't justify the expense at this time (I have an R6 with several EF and RF lenses, plus a Sony A7c with a few lenses).

While some here will soon chime in with their usual "it's not the camera that makes you a better photographer, it's your skills" lecture, I personally think that if you have a camera you truly enjoy using you will be happier taking pictures.

Side note: do as much research
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Save me researching, which Pentax models were you referring to?
I quite fancied picking up a mintish K-5 with a fast WR prime and leaving it at that, just start over and see/record the world with a fixed focal length regardless of the weather. That now really appeals to me. I honestly couldn’t care less about eye focus.
It’s all very very clever, but it’s made me so lazy. I treat modern cameras like I treat my iPhone. I no longer explore, too afraid to damage.
I used to be into URBEX, but quite honestly there’s no way I’d take a £3-5K set up into dusty buildings, wet tunnels etc etc

All this new tech is more like male jewellery than actually getting out and taking pictures.
It’s getting in the way…to put it simply.

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 02:44 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:05 PM
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p.1 #7 · p.1 #7 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Pixelpuffin wrote:
I just can’t warm to the R system
And yet the pictures I took with the RP are really nice, super sharp and contrasty. But the whole balance and ergonomics of a lighter smaller body and freaking huge lenses if you’re wanting anything that’s fastish it’s got to be L otherwise it’s the dreadfully slow consumer zooms that I quite honestly detest, absolutely despise them. There no middle ground…

Huge expensive faster L glass
Slow (still expensive) consumer zooms

Each mated to a lightweight small body

The balance for me is just off.
The aps-c R system…. Let’s not
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I use the R5 with all the big whites and I like it much better than the old 1DXIII tanks. As for the lenses I agree Canon doesn't have a middle ground. I would personally love a set of 24, 35, 50, and 85 1.4L primes. But for now, it's either the cheapie set (which still works great), or the behemoth 1.2's. Have you tried an R5 or R6II? I don't consider them tiny bodies. BTW, I held onto my 5DIII's forever as well as they are still great bodies to use.

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:06 PM
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p.1 #8 · p.1 #8 · Moving to another system….thoughts

I’ve just pulled the trigger on a Pentax K-5
Boxed, described as Excellent, no issues
£140 (own a K AF 50mm 1.4) so that’ll will be paired with the 18-55WR. The K-5 offers wireless flash using the pop up, since my K10 came with the AF36FGZ (??) flash I’ll be able to try wireless from the get go.

Cheap as chips, I’ll give it a whirl and see what I think.

As I say, there’s absolutely nothing about the R line that excites me in the slightest. The start up cost is insane, I can actually afford it, but I can’t justify the outlay - that’s the difference. Taking snaps is just a hobby to me, I shouldn’t need to blow £3-5K to participate…and I won’t.
Each to their own, but the whole system is not attractive, hence looking for a change.

Just to clarify, I’m not putting any of you guys down. We all have different views and reasons for our choices.

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:21 PM
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p.1 #9 · p.1 #9 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Should be fun. I'm thinking of getting a K-1, for my vintage K-mount manual focus lenses. I see no need to go to R-series cameras (or elsewhere), until something like my 5DS breaks.

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:32 PM
Sy Sez
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p.1 #10 · p.1 #10 · Moving to another system….thoughts

You don't want Mirrorless.
You love your Canon 5D3 DSLR, & EF lenses.

For a positive change you'd need to determine what, in spite of your stated love for your 5D3, do find lacking with it to the degree necessitating its replacement.

Once you determine that, seek out a DSLR that can perform as well as your 5D3, but with non, or less of it's perceived shortcomings.

A Pentax K1, or Nikon D850 would likely challenge an EOS 5D3.

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:39 PM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.1 #11 · p.1 #11 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Sy Sez wrote:
You don't want Mirrorless.
You love your Canon 5D3 DSLR, & EF lenses.

For a positive change you'd need to determine what, in spite of your stated love for your 5D3, do find lacking with it to the degree necessitating its replacement.

Once you determine that, seek out a DSLR that can perform as well as your 5D3, but with non, or less of it's perceived shortcomings.

A Pentax K1, or Nikon D850 would likely challenge an EOS 5D3.

I love LOVE 💕my 5diii’s 💕💕
Even tho they are old tech by todays standards I simply love everything about them… the silent shutter is sublime, beautiful….but they are big and heavy and being FF necessitates FF glass which is also big and heavy. None except the L line lenses are weather resistant, all of canons L line are big and heavy.

I won’t part with them, neither has been used for several months, but they are going nowhere 👍🏻😁👍🏻

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 02:56 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:53 PM
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p.1 #12 · p.1 #12 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Looking for photographic gratification by giving up one brand for another rarely works, and quite a few folks who try it end up repeating the process a few years later... with similar results.

Given that you have something to dislike about essentially every brand you mention — except Pentax, maybe? — I don't see any good reason for you to switch from one brand you dislike to another that you'll likely also dislike soon. ;-)

Nothing against Pentax, by the way. I owned several of their bodies back in the film days and liked them a lot, and their 645d and 645z camera systems probably never quite got the love they deserved. But that's a different issue than yours...

As to the mirrorless cameras, speaking as a person who began photography decades ago using, uh, "mirrorless" cameras (you know, box Brownies, rangefinder cameras, folding cameras and the like) and then moved to SLR and then DSLR bodies for a few decades, and now uses both DSLR and mirrorless systems... it is possible to adapt and even to start to appreciate the considerable number of positive features of modern mirrorless systems.

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 02:59 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:55 PM
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p.1 #13 · p.1 #13 · Moving to another system….thoughts

gdanmitchell wrote:
Looking for photographic gratification by giving up one brand for another rarely works, and quite a few folks who try it end up repeating the process a few years later... with similar results.

Given that you have something to dislike about essentially every brand you mention — except Pentax, maybe? — I don't see any good reason for you to switch from one brand you dislike to another that you'll likely also dislike soon. ;-)

Nothing against Pentax, by the way. I owned several of their bodies back in the film days and liked them a lot, and their 645d and 645z camera
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Exactly so 👍🏻
Hence the reason for spending £140 on a used body to see if it “feels” right.
No loss if it doesn’t

Actually you’ve made me consider a point there…
If canon had developed a range of fast weather sealed lenses for their aps-c line I doubt I’d be even writing all this…..
I have numerous aps-c DSLRs including the mighty 7d/7dii
Yet canon never developed EF-s L lenses that were weather sealed - I own every single version of canons stm ef-s lens line up, great lenses until the weather changes, then it’s time to pack up and go home!!
I bought into the EOS M line, loved the small form factor and for a while I really thought canon was going to create a pro spec M7. I picked up all the ef-m lenses, including the stunning 32mm again non of it weather sealed, but hoped canon would take the system further - what a missed opportunity!!
The new RF-s line is following in the same footsteps…only worse, even slower and still no sign of pro grade weather sealed lenses…
There’s a pattern emerging… 😂😂 a bad one!! as I noted in a separate thread the R7 has no flash,!! WTF!! the rest have pathetic weak flashes and no wireless flash option…

Canon has created this problem, not me.
I don’t want to spend £4-5K on 4-6Kg of FF gear to take pictures when the weather turns or the sun goes down.

Canon has forced everyone down this route

What’s the answer?? Not being sarcastic, genuinely would like positive feedback please.

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 05:08 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 02:58 PM
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p.1 #14 · p.1 #14 · Moving to another system….thoughts

In 2023 I bought brand new 90D and 6DII, because I never envisioned moving to mirrorless, and wanted new gear to last a few years. I had a Panasonic bridge camera years ago; hated the electronic VF. I caved on Canon's Black Friday sale and picked up an R10, 18-45, and control ring adapter. As a casual snap-shooter, the R10 is way better than my old DMC-FZ8. It just doesn't do anything for me that I can't do with either DSLR. All my EF lenses work just fine on the 90D/6DII. If/when I want to shoot something besides a Canon DSLR, I pull out my Elan 7S, which coincidentally, can use all my EF glass and all my EX lighting equipment. If I were to shoot Pentax again, it would be with a 645N.

Dec 27, 2023 at 03:20 PM
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p.1 #15 · p.1 #15 · Moving to another system….thoughts

TomSchriefer wrote:
In 2023 I bought brand new 90D and 6DII, because I never envisioned moving to mirrorless, and wanted new gear to last a few years. I had a Panasonic bridge camera years ago; hated the electronic VF. I caved on Canon's Black Friday sale and picked up an R10, 18-45, and control ring adapter. As a casual snap-shooter, the R10 is way better than my old DMC-FZ8. It just doesn't do anything for me that I can't do with either DSLR. All my EF lenses work just fine on the 90D/6DII. If/when I want to shoot something besides a Canon
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I think ultimately that’s where I’m heading tbh 👍🏻

Great post, thank you.

Dec 27, 2023 at 03:23 PM
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p.1 #16 · p.1 #16 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Pixelpuffin wrote:
…only worse, even slower and still no sigh of pro grade weather sealed lenses…
There’s a pattern emerging… 😂😂

This frustrated me for years as well. The bottom line is you can't look to any of the major full frame manufacturers to treat APS-C as anything other than a step up option. They want you to buy full frame lenses, and eventually, full frame cameras. Only Fuji and maybe Sigma really treat APS-C as a bespoke format, with professional grade offerings.

And unfortunately, APS-C, as a distinct format for enthusiasts or professionals, appears to be on the decline.

Edited on Dec 27, 2023 at 03:31 PM · View previous versions

Dec 27, 2023 at 03:26 PM
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p.1 #17 · p.1 #17 · Moving to another system….thoughts

garyvot wrote:
This frustrated me for years as well. The bottom line is you can't look to any of the major full frame manufacturers to treat APS-C as anything other than a step up option. They want you to buy full frame lenses, and eventually, full frame cameras. Only Fuji and maybe Sigma really treats APS-C as a bespoke format, with professional grade offerings.

And unfortunately, APS-C, as a distinct format for enthusiasts or professionals, appears to be on the decline.

Great post 👍🏻
Completely agree, it’s a pity because a pro spec smaller canon system really appeals to me. Love shooting wide open fast lenses, love shooting in bad weather, but getting tired of the big lenses needed for FF.
it’s a real shame

I’ll try the K-5
Then I’ll get the iPhone 15 next year.
I’m guessing that will be a game changer

5diii for sports
iPhone for everything else

Dec 27, 2023 at 03:30 PM
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p.1 #18 · p.1 #18 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Pixelpuffin wrote:
I’ve just pulled the trigger on a Pentax K-5
Boxed, described as Excellent, no issues
£140 (own a K AF 50mm 1.4) so that’ll will be paired with the 18-55WR. The K-5 offers wireless flash using the pop up, since my K10 came with the AF36FGZ (??) flash I’ll be able to try wireless from the get go.

Cheap as chips, I’ll give it a whirl and see what I think.

As I say, there’s absolutely nothing about the R line that excites me in the slightest. The start up cost is insane, I can actually afford it, but I can’t justify the
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Perhaps you need to give the Canon R system some time. Explore other options - it's good to see what else is out there - then in ~10 years revisit the R system and there will probably be something closer to what you want. And like your ~10 year-old 5DIII and Pentax K5, by then cost of entry for used R system gear will be a lot lower and hopefully will include much more interesting 'mid-range' glass.

Dec 27, 2023 at 05:19 PM
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p.1 #19 · p.1 #19 · Moving to another system….thoughts

Pixelpuffin wrote:
Save me researching, which Pentax models were you referring to?
I quite fancied picking up a mintish K-5 with a fast WR prime and leaving it at that, just start over and see/record the world with a fixed focal length regardless of the weather. That now really appeals to me. I honestly couldn’t care less about eye focus.
It’s all very very clever, but it’s made me so lazy. I treat modern cameras like I treat my iPhone. I no longer explore, too afraid to damage.
I used to be into URBEX, but quite honestly there’s no way I’d take a £3-5K
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Each model had its own issues. Here is a link to a discussion group of K-5 owners talking about the issues:


Dec 27, 2023 at 05:48 PM
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p.1 #20 · p.1 #20 · Moving to another system….thoughts

snegron7 wrote:
Each model had its own issues. Here is a link to a discussion group of K-5 owners talking about the issues:


Thanks for the link, just had a quick glance - I joined that forum when I got the K10, just trying to find my password……..!!

Dec 27, 2023 at 06:17 PM
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