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New camera ponderings

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p.1 #1 · p.1 #1 · New camera ponderings

So, it's a dreary, yet cozy fall Sunday morning, so what better time to ponder a new camera. Any thoughts are welcome as long as things are kept civil. So here are this mornings brain meanderings: I have an XT-3 and an X100V. I haven't done much shooting, but as I grow older I can see how image stabilization is going to be important. I probably should have sold my XT3 and kept my XH-1, but here I am. We use an XH-2s at work.

My thinking is that if I get one more camera for life, do I want to look into full frame? Will Fuji ever do something full frame or it is just crop and GFX? I really like the ecosystem and lenses so I'm not really looking to change brands, but open to it. The Sony stuff is more expensive and I've heard negative things about colors and such. The Canon stuff would be more familiar to me as I still have my 5D3 (so theoretically if I really felt the need for full frame I have that. But it's so big compared to the Fuji stuff.)

That new Nikon F-something looked cool, but no joystick is a non-starter for me. Also, I've never shot Nikon so I know nothing about the lenses or anything else.

I'm actually pondering selling the XT-3 and getting an XS-20! What would I be missing outside of the PSAM interface? I think I can live with that, although I hate how they do the ISO button (and the screen). I like everything about the XT-5 but I just don't really want that 40 megapixel sensor. 26 is enough for me. I did rent it. I think I'll rent the XH-20 and see how I get on with it. If the XT-3 had IBIS I'd be set.

OK -ask away or share your wisdom. This is what happens when I exceed my self-imposed caffeine limit.

Nov 19, 2023 at 11:48 AM
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p.1 #2 · p.1 #2 · New camera ponderings

Sharona wrote:
So, it's a dreary, yet cozy fall Sunday morning, so what better time to ponder a new camera. Any thoughts are welcome as long as things are kept civil. So here are this mornings brain meanderings: I have an XT-3 and an X100V. I haven't done much shooting, but as I grow older I can see how image stabilization is going to be important. I probably should have sold my XT3 and kept my XH-1, but here I am. We use an XH-2s at work.

My thinking is that if I get one more camera for life, do I want
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Lots to think about there, so I’ll only take on bits and pieces.

I do not think that Fujifilm will ever make a FF camera, nor do I think it would make sense for them. Grabbing a sufficiently large percentage of a market with three major players who already have dedicated owners (Sony, Canon, Nikon) would be a tall order. I can’t see how they could do it. They would have to offer something that the other three cannot offer (as Sony did when it broke into the market with high quality FF mirrorless bodies that were compatible with Canon lenses)… and I can’t imagine what that would be these days. The other systems are all very good, so being very good at the same price would not do it. I suppose that they could try to do it with a retro control camera, but I’m not counting on it.

I think Fujifilm’s strategy, or at least a part of it, is the “zig where the others zag” approach rather than a head-on competition for the same market space. That worked really well for the APS-C cameras with “retro” controls, and it also works with the nearly unique (at least at the price point) miniMF systems, which are like nothing offered by the Big Three.

So if you go full-frame, it isn’t likely that it will ever be with Fujifilm. I think it will continue to be APS-C and miniMF only.

Have you used the XT5? It is really a fine camera for still photography. It is relatively small but doesn’t lack much at all for still photography, and the higher MP sensor moves it closer to the performance of FF — though APS-C will never equal FF at a given technology level. But you can have a pretty small system with excellent features and good IQ.

As to the other FF systems, I’m a little out of touch since I decided to hang on to my Canon 5DsR through Canon’s mirrorless transition. Obviously, it is not that I am not comfortable with mirrorless cameras. It is that the 5DsR still works beautifully for what I do with it, and because a move to their newer mirrorless system would almost certainly entail upgrading many or all lenses to the new RF range. (Yes, I know there are adapters. I might use them for some less-used lenses, but not for my main lenses.) What this means is that I’m in wait-and-see mode.

AS to the brand “colors” thing, I think people make a lot more out of that then necessary or appropriate. People get great colors out Nikon, Canon, and Sony. I think it is more about finding the right post-processing workflow with settings that are ideal for your desired output. That’s my way of saying that any of the three FF brands that have the stuff you want will be fine.

The costs for a FF system will generally be higher, at least for cameras with the same or comparable feature sets.

Would that make a difference to your photography? Only you can figure that one out.

Nov 19, 2023 at 12:50 PM
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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · New camera ponderings

I have the X-S10 along with X-T5. I don't think you can go wrong with the X-S10/20. The 20 has better video specs and a larger battery, but I have spare batteries and I like the slightly lighter weight of the 10. Currently Fuji has a $100 promotion on it. I actually like the PSAM interface better. I shoot aperture priority and auto ISO, so the big nice-looking dials on the top of the X-T5 are wasted. but I loathe the camcorder screen.

I also use Sony. I understand the grass is greener syndrome, but I would say the FF advantage doesn't show in the results unless you have the need to push the envelope, say, shooting low light sports, wanting more megapixels to print really big, or need the f2.8 zooms and f1.4 primes in the FF systems. Otherwise you won't see a difference. But you will give up the Fuji color. I seldom touch raw when I shoot Fuji, but I always process Sony raw files. Another negative with FF is that the telephoto lenses are bigger and heavier. It's also painful to re-purchase a lens kit for the new system.

Nov 19, 2023 at 01:02 PM
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p.1 #4 · p.1 #4 · New camera ponderings

Thanks, you two! Dan - I rented the XT-5. I think I need to rent it again.

The costs for a FF system will generally be higher, at least for cameras with the same or comparable feature sets. Would that make a difference to your photography? Only you can figure that one out.

Question of the decade.

foto16 - I read some things about the XS20 that I may not like. I agree with some of what you say about the Fuji files. I always shoot raw+jpg, but if in a hurry? The jpgs rarely need much work. That's another reason I'd prefer to stick with Fuji. PLus I like my Fuji lenses a lot. :-)

After I posted this I started to question the whole thing and may just relent and go with the XT5. I really prefer this design, from the dials to the back screen. Time will tell; I'm not in a rush.

Nov 19, 2023 at 01:38 PM
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p.1 #5 · p.1 #5 · New camera ponderings

Sounds like a used X-T4 is what you need. It's really a wonderful camera. Eric.

Nov 19, 2023 at 03:25 PM
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p.1 #6 · p.1 #6 · New camera ponderings

Fun exercise.

So many variables. Use cases, lens ecosystems, size - whew!

Having shot X, GFX, Q2 and Sony over the past decade if there was some crazy reason I had to only choose one camera for posterity it would probably be the inevitable Sony A1 MK II.

The current A1 is just so good at everything and it'll happily be a fun involving casual camera with Voigtlander manual focus primes or a BIF monster with tele lenses or a brilliant event shooter with the 70-200 2.8 II or Tamron 35-150.

Nov 19, 2023 at 03:36 PM
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p.1 #7 · p.1 #7 · New camera ponderings

liggy wrote:
Fun exercise.

So many variables. Use cases, lens ecosystems, size - whew!

Having shot X, GFX, Q2 and Sony over the past decade if there was some crazy reason I had to only choose one camera for posterity it would probably be the inevitable Sony A1 MK II.

The current A1 is just so good at everything and it'll happily be a fun involving casual camera with Voigtlander manual focus primes or a BIF monster with tele lenses or a brilliant event shooter with the 70-200 2.8 II or Tamron 35-150.

Oh, if money were no object I’d at least give this one a try. Only because I know many wildlife shooters who have moved to this camera. But my days of that kind of work are largely in the rear view mirror and moving to a whole new ecosystem like this is probably not the best thing for me either. 🤓

Nov 19, 2023 at 04:57 PM
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p.1 #8 · p.1 #8 · New camera ponderings

gel685 wrote:
Sounds like a used X-T4 is what you need. It's really a wonderful camera. Eric.

You might be onto something. But that flippy back screen. 😖

Nov 19, 2023 at 05:01 PM
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p.1 #9 · p.1 #9 · New camera ponderings

Sharona wrote:
Oh, if money were no object I’d at least give this one a try. Only because I know many wildlife shooters who have moved to this camera. But my days of that kind of work are largely in the rear view mirror and moving to a whole new ecosystem like this is probably not the best thing for me either. 🤓

Used A1s are running low-mid $4K. Lotta camera for the $. . If it's going to be your last camera - might as well splurge.

It's not that hard to shoot Sony coming from Fuji. Most of the good FE lenses have aperture rings. EC wheel is in the same spot. SS easily adjustable and instead of the dedicated topside ISO control I just spin the rear control dial.

Unless Fuji comes out with a stacked sensor body with X-T controls I think I'm done with them. Still enjoying the X-T2 as much as the X-T5 if I'm honest. I don't need 40mp in an APS-C body but superior autofocus, silent shutter and really fast frame rates are useful to me.

Nov 19, 2023 at 05:33 PM
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p.1 #10 · p.1 #10 · New camera ponderings

liggy wrote:
Used A1s are running low-mid $4K. Lotta camera for the $. . If it's going to be your last camera - might as well splurge.

It's not that hard to shoot Sony coming from Fuji. Most of the good FE lenses have aperture rings. EC wheel is in the same spot. SS easily adjustable and instead of the dedicated topside ISO control I just spin the rear control dial.

Unless Fuji comes out with a stacked sensor body with X-T controls I think I'm done with them. Still enjoying the X-T2 as much as the X-T5 if I'm honest. I
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The problem is if you move to Sony from Fuji, you'll likely not want to shoot your Fuji anymore

@Sharona here's the answer you don't want to hear: pick the best Nikon Z you can afford, as you can adapt almost every full frame lens ever made to it (except for RF but who cares about those )

A Z8/Z9 as a "forever" camera would be wonderful and you could endlessly play with 70+ years of legacy glass. That includes every lens ever made for Sony FE. The Z6ii/Z7ii are simply a little long in the tooth for this exercise IMO. The Z F could be that camera as well, it's just an ergonomic nightmare. But either way, the Z8 is cheaper than the A1 by a not insignificant amount and is a much more well rounded imaging device and is considerably more "future proofed".

Nov 19, 2023 at 05:55 PM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.1 #11 · p.1 #11 · New camera ponderings

Isn't GAS wonderful?
Looks like you have owned and used a variety of cameras and formats but you say that you haven't done much shooting. You might ask yourself if you want to do more shooting and if so, what would it take for you to accomplish that. What are the things that you like to shoot and would like to shoot? Hopefully you'll get a better picture of finding the camera to suit you.

If you're curious about FF, maybe rent one of those to try out rather than rent an X-T5 for the second time. You will have the chance to compare the two as used by your hands. Dan is right, don't wait for Fuji to go FF.

As far as one more camera for life, that doesn't apply to digital cameras. Can you imagine someone saying that they're going to buy one computer for life? Not according to Gordon Moore.

BTW, I sold some Fuji and Sony gear yesterday and picked up an X-T5. Got to keep that gear rotating!

Nov 19, 2023 at 06:23 PM
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p.1 #12 · p.1 #12 · New camera ponderings

RoamingScott wrote:
The problem is if you move to Sony from Fuji, you'll likely not want to shoot your Fuji anymore

@Sharona@ here's the answer you don't want to hear: pick the best Nikon Z you can afford, as you can adapt almost every full frame lens ever made to it (except for RF but who cares about those )

A Z8/Z9 as a "forever" camera would be wonderful and you could endlessly play with 70+ years of legacy glass. That includes every lens ever made for Sony FE. The Z6ii/Z7ii are simply a little long in the tooth for this exercise
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Z8/Z9s are really impressive on paper. Truthfully I wouldn't choose either as my one and only though. Just too chunky for me. Z8 when I played with it seemed almost as big as the GFX100S.

Definite dealbreaker for me for use as a travel camera.

Nov 19, 2023 at 07:06 PM
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p.1 #13 · p.1 #13 · New camera ponderings

nalax wrote:
Isn't GAS wonderful?
Looks like you have owned and used a variety of cameras and formats but you say that you haven't done much shooting. You might ask yourself if you want to do more shooting and if so, what would it take for you to accomplish that. What are the things that you like to shoot and would like to shoot? Hopefully you'll get a better picture of finding the camera to suit you.

If you're curious about FF, maybe rent one of those to try out rather than rent an X-T5 for the second time. You will have the chance
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All valid questions. I like to photograph a lot of subjects. I used to primarily focus on nature and wildlife. But I’ve always dabbled in people, streets and travel. Then Covid hit, and life priorities and obligations shifted. So, like a lot of folks, I lost some creative mojo. I really hope travel is in my future, so I’d say that’s where my interest lies. Also I do photography in my day job - health care marketing. Events, head shots, billboards, etc. I have a full frame Canon, but was just pondering full frame mirrorless. Honestly my photos as I’ve been playing around don’t suffer from lack of a full frame.

Nov 19, 2023 at 09:01 PM
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p.1 #14 · p.1 #14 · New camera ponderings

I shoot Nikon and Fuji. I rather like the X-H bodies for grip reasons. So far the X-H2/2S have been rather fun bodies to shoot on

Nov 19, 2023 at 09:53 PM
Geoff D F
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p.1 #15 · p.1 #15 · New camera ponderings

Just get the X-T5 and be done with it. I really don't understand the aversion to the 40mp sensor. If your current system can handle 26mp then 40mp is not a big jump. Heck, I'm shooting 40mp and processing them on a laptop that was new in 2012!

You can always shoot compressed RAW or medium rather than large JPEGs.

Nov 19, 2023 at 10:07 PM
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p.1 #16 · p.1 #16 · New camera ponderings


Having used it extensively now, I am certain that there is now real downside to the 40MP sensor. It is a fine performer.

While older models with the 26MP sensor are fine cameras, it is hard to think of any reason to prefer them aside from saving a few dollars.

Geoff D F wrote:
Just get the X-T5 and be done with it. I really don't understand the aversion to the 40mp sensor. If your current system can handle 26mp then 40mp is not a big jump. Heck, I'm shooting 40mp and processing them on a laptop that was new in 2012!

You can always shoot compressed RAW or medium rather than large JPEGs.

Nov 20, 2023 at 07:36 AM
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p.1 #17 · p.1 #17 · New camera ponderings

Geoff D F wrote:
Just get the X-T5 and be done with it.

Agreed. I have a pair of the X-H2s bodies for work, and I like them, but the X-T5 that I just bought is my favorite Fuji camera so far. It's smaller than my X Pro 2, and significantly more comfortable in the hand. The EVF is excellent. It's fast, both focusing and shooting. It balances well even with larger lenses, though of course I'll use the gripped X-H2s for the 100-400. The files from the X-T5 are very good, highly detailed and with plenty of dynamic range.

The X-T5 will be my primary personal camera for travel, street, and landscape. I'll likely end up selling one of the X-H2s bodies and getting a second X-T5.

Nov 20, 2023 at 08:23 AM
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p.1 #18 · p.1 #18 · New camera ponderings

gdanmitchell wrote:

Having used it extensively now, I am certain that there is now real downside to the 40MP sensor. It is a fine performer.

While older models with the 26MP sensor are fine cameras, it is hard to think of any reason to prefer them aside from saving a few dollars.

Thanks again, all. Fun discussion. What does compressed raw do to the image quality, if anything?

Nov 20, 2023 at 08:23 AM
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p.1 #19 · p.1 #19 · New camera ponderings

I'm sure a Nikon Z9 is nice. For a pro with a tripod and a young lackey to carry it all. And $5,500.
I would have an X-T3 now if it wasn't for IBIS and battery life. The XT-5 seems like an improved camera all around. I haven't seen a disadvantage to 40mp, and I have experienced the advantages for cropping. That said, I don't push ISO much so the increased noise at high ISO in low light could be a real thing, just not to me. I got to admit its easy to look longingly at used Gfx100s pricing right now and be tempted as a second camera. But I just wouldn't use it much given the weight and size. To me, the beauty of the X-T5 is low hassle easy of use, low weight, small size, incredible images. In other words, they made the right compromises to suit me.

Nov 20, 2023 at 12:23 PM
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p.1 #20 · p.1 #20 · New camera ponderings

Some of y'all need a gym membership and it SHOWS

Nov 20, 2023 at 12:24 PM
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