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jmckayak wrote:
You could try a tool box. Line it with a homemade ‘TrekPak’ liner. Home Depot or Lowes has a large variety of cases.
I went to Home Depot and Lowe's and only found cheap plastic toolboxes. The trend is more towards modular tool cases with wheels that stack up.
rscheffler wrote:
My last Canon 400/2.8 was the first IS version, but is nearly identical in size to the v3. Back then I used the Pelican 1510 with padded inserts to store and transport the lens along with cameras and other lenses, particularly as carry-on for flights.
The 400 fit in the Pelican 1510, but given the diameter of the lens, it was at about the limit of what the 1510 could accommodate with the hood attached (reversed). I did not keep the front lens cover on the lens when in the 1510 because it added even more to the diameter.
I bought my 1510 cases ~15+ years ago and back then the padded inserts included one that was the full length of the case, which you would need for a lens as long as the 400. By the looks of the current padded insert options for the Nanuk and Pelican cases, none of the inserts run the full length. IMO you'd be better off with the Pelican 1510 and the Trekpak Divider System (B&H link). Unfortunately Pelican bought Trekpak and you can now only get it sized for Pelican products.
Also, don't get the Pelican Air 1535. It's shallower than the 1510.
If you have a deep enough trunk, another option might be the Nanuk 938, which is a deeper version of the 935. But as with the 935, I'm not sure if the configuration of the supplied padded inserts will work well with a 400/2.8....Show more →
Thank you for the info, I'll look into the Pelican case too, It's about the same size as the Nanuk. I'm not a huge fan of the TrekPak system though. I have one and I feel I need to keep the configuration packed with dividers to keep the walls from bending.