dpsaiz Offline Upload & Sell: Off
As a side note from my earlier thread on firmware for this camera which allows the 1Ds2 to recognize CF cards larger than 8GB.
I've been using a 32GB since the upgrade and formatted it using the camera. Out of curiosity I plugged in the CF into my PC and opened disk management. DM showed the camera made an 8GB partition leaving 24GB of space unallocated.
I blew away the 8GB partition and created a single partition (FAT32) using the entire 32GB.
Then inserted the CF back into the camera and now recognizes the CF with 32GB of available space instead of the earlier 8GB.
The camera creates the smaller partition by design because FAT32 supports a partition of 32GB and a file size of 4GB.
So when its time to change CF cards I'll have to format it on the PC so that I can create the largest partition.