Hi all. Had a quiet summer photography wise - made one trip up to the White Mountains but got chased off the mountain by lightning and afterwards my friend didn't feel well so that trip was a bust. So as newly anointed empty nesters I took my wife for her first trip to the Eastern Sierra, last weekend, for the autumn colour.
She loved it and claimed it was like seeing heaven. We visited a few areas new to me, like Lobdell Lake and Sagehen Summit, both locations blared out in social media as being "go now" status, which is how I found out about them. Also did the classic South Lake, North Lake peeping. June Lake was still green when I drove through it but Convict Lake and McGee Creek canyon were as usual spectacular. Here's a selection of my favourites. Comments and critiques always welcome.
A wind squall struck
ILCE-1 E 70-300mm F4.5-6.3 A047 lens 268mm f/8.0 1/125s 1600 ISO 0.0 EV
Cornucopia of colour
ILCE-1 E 70-300mm F4.5-6.3 A047 lens 300mm f/8.0 1/250s 4000 ISO 0.0 EV
Cathedral of aspen
ILCE-1 E 70-300mm F4.5-6.3 A047 lens 204mm f/8.0 1/10s 100 ISO 0.0 EV
Sunrise skims across the aspen
ILCE-1 E 70-300mm F4.5-6.3 A047 lens 82mm f/8.0 1/25s 125 ISO 0.0 EV
Aspen in the shadow of Laurel
ILCE-1 ZEISS Loxia 2.8/21 lens 21mm f/11.0 1/80s 500 ISO 0.0 EV
The inimitable North Lake
ILCE-1 Voigtlander NOKTON 40mm F1.2 Aspherical lens 40mm f/11.0 1/40s 500 ISO 0.0 EV