Bacalhau Offline Upload & Sell: On
Alex Phan wrote:
For those that asked: I don't have any relationship with them. 35% off is a fucking good deal. I'm not canon user anymore so I don't go to canon forum or general forum. I just go to Sony. It apply the same for canon user, they don't go outside their group. I just share what I know to help out. Some will benefit from it. Some just being a tough cookie about it. At the end of the day, a saving is still a saving. I always appreciate when I see other give head up for discount stuff.
well...a pig with lipstick still a pig
yes, I bought two fifferent models monopod heads - they look nice but that's about it, and they look nice because they are copy-cat models - I would give themmsome credit if somewhat an original design
they will both end up in a garage sale, but at least I go the discount for waht is worth, which makes the loss a bit smaller
won't buy from them again, but that's me.