1bwana1 Offline Upload & Sell: On
I am very happy with my Leica 35mm Summilux ASPH (pre FLE). It draws beautiful images. Some character wide open, but technically excellent stopped down. It is my most used lens on my M bodies.
If I were primarily shooting landscapes, architecture, products, and things like that I would go for the 35mm Summicron APO. But for mixed general shooting with multiple subjects and moods I would suggest one of the Summilux 35 ASPH lenses is your best choice. Mine pairs beautifully with my 50mm Summicron v5. Not in the sense that the FL gap is perfect. But rather the FLs are close enough, and the personalities are different enough that with just a few steps I can choose the one that suites the subject matter the best.
Edited on Oct 03, 2023 at 03:57 AM · View previous versions