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Why impossible to find a Q3

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p.2 #1 · p.2 #1 · Why impossible to find a Q3

Certainly a lot of new items that are back ordered and hard to find, from the different manufacturers, in recent years.

$7k is too much, especially considering that it doesn't have interchangeable lenses, for me, but if the price goes up that's capitalism. Supply and demand. Margins are so bad on cameras anymore, not necessarily a bad thing.

Sep 21, 2023 at 11:22 AM
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p.2 #2 · p.2 #2 · Why impossible to find a Q3

I've seen used Fuji X100V's with an MSRP of $1399 sell for close to $2000 due to limited supply, so it's not just Leica. Leica just happens to be so much higher priced that the demand pricing is more inflated.

Give it time if you are considering purchasing one. Many people get them and soon learn how limiting a fixed focal length is.

Sep 21, 2023 at 11:49 AM
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p.2 #3 · p.2 #3 · Why impossible to find a Q3

This trend that we see with Leica camera and lens pricing happened to Harley Davidson motorcycles in the early Nineties. I bought my first one when prices were still normal. After several short road trips had shown that the particular model was not good, for my body’s dimensions, on long trips, I was able to sell it for almost what I had paid, about a year after I bought it. I later learned that I could have sold it for more than I had paid, perhaps pocketing an extra $K, or so. (No internet, then, to check social and pricing trends.)

To make a long story short, I ended up being much happier, on long road trips, on a BMW motorcycle. Then, after two memorable scares, on local roads, followed by one most-memorable road trip, I decided to manage risk by selling the BMW bike, and to quit riding, while I was ahead, at least until my son was grown and established. I eventually replaced riding, with photography, a good thing. (When the time came that my son was grown, and established, I needed an SUV, to carry big cameras, big lenses, and several dogs.)

Sep 21, 2023 at 12:31 PM

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p.2 #4 · p.2 #4 · Why impossible to find a Q3

The Q3 is beautiful and definitely serves a need but to be honest I'm selling mine soon and going with a Sony A7cr with small primes and a 24-70 GM II. I have young kids and the autofocus wasn't great. Maybe it was me but I couldn't get consistent results when the kids were playing. It was actually frustrating. I picked up A7c to play around and with a small Sony or Sigma primes, it was just a tad bit larger than the Q3 but with the flexibility of changing the lens.

Sep 27, 2023 at 05:29 PM

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p.2 #5 · p.2 #5 · Why impossible to find a Q3

They are definitely not a mass market brand in the digital age. Other than their collaboration projects like with Panasonic, their gear has typically had long waiting lines despite high prices. I think despite their gear being hard to get they are still doing well by their own metrics, and scaling up would involve more risk. They are also very conservative brand wise, so I can see that they would be resistant to changes like expanding their manufacturing lines to make more q3s.

Oct 02, 2023 at 04:24 PM
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p.2 #6 · p.2 #6 · Why impossible to find a Q3

I was offered one from Leica store - I guess I should have bought it and put in on eBay ;-)

Oct 06, 2023 at 03:06 PM
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