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This trend that we see with Leica camera and lens pricing happened to Harley Davidson motorcycles in the early Nineties. I bought my first one when prices were still normal. After several short road trips had shown that the particular model was not good, for my body’s dimensions, on long trips, I was able to sell it for almost what I had paid, about a year after I bought it. I later learned that I could have sold it for more than I had paid, perhaps pocketing an extra $K, or so. (No internet, then, to check social and pricing trends.)
To make a long story short, I ended up being much happier, on long road trips, on a BMW motorcycle. Then, after two memorable scares, on local roads, followed by one most-memorable road trip, I decided to manage risk by selling the BMW bike, and to quit riding, while I was ahead, at least until my son was grown and established. I eventually replaced riding, with photography, a good thing. (When the time came that my son was grown, and established, I needed an SUV, to carry big cameras, big lenses, and several dogs.)