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ChrisMak wrote:
Going through this complete thread, I have to say that the 180-600 is a surpise to me.
I used to own the Sony 200-600G, and it may have had a bit more resolution at 600mm wide open or not, it is not a true 600mm at the long end anyhow, the Nikon does appear a true 600mm at the long end, and the A1 has slightly higher resolution.
But what I see going through this thread, is the same very nice color rendering and contrast that I also see in the Z400mm f4.5 images.
I had the 500PF for a few years with the D500, but the new Z9/8 with this lens renders especially nice colors, and has very nice clarity and contrast. It does not render like a typical consumer zoom at all, even if it does not have the top prime crispness and resolution. I prefer the colors and overall contrast to the D500+500PF combo....Show more →
Hi Chris,
I think you are seeing Nikon's color science. Their lenses are pretty consistent when it comes to color and contrast. I've been using the 180-600 side-by-side with the 400 f2.8S w/ built-in converter, and unless you were to do direct comparisons, you'd be hard pressed to see the difference at anything but 100% resolution. This is particularly true if your subjects are relatively close. There are obvious differences in depth of field and bokeh, but again this would only be noticeable in side-by-side comparisons.
Edited on Jan 19, 2024 at 07:59 AM · View previous versions