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philip_pj wrote:
Reactions to the EFCS/MS issue are largely governed by your (anecdotal) pattern of personal usage. It's been an issue for at least five years, from reading. To get to the bottom of it, I believe you are better advised to listen to portrait photographers than scientific types on this matter, because they are chasing different characteristics, in the main. Some of the latter choose very poor image subjects to support their opinions.
The portraitists have often laid out thousands of dollars and they won't be overlooking the worm-like high contrast, saturation-blobbed mess they may observe with high-shutter-speed EFCS, at often moderate s/speeds by today's standards. Of course they want f1-f1.4 apertures as a matter of course, so they are the canaries in the coal mine. Note that the damage is very image-specific as well, and this also appears to elude some observers.
So there are sound reasons to prefer not using EFCS in circumstances of rapid light changes and time pressure - who wants to have to remember such a setting in capricious light? And it interrupts the creativity of the process with mundane camera functions. Fuji's approach seems the best one, take it away from the user at the onset s/speeds at which it first occurs. They will know...
Vision varies very widely, and photographers are no exception - one person's 'I don't see much change' is another's 'that's damaging the image badly'. In the imaging partnership, the camera's task is to record the image content passed to it by the lens. The lens is the principal, it is sovereign - or it should be.
Magic Wedding Photographer YT: 'This setting is changing your bokeh: e-Front Curtain Shutter on Sony A7IV'
(if you don't see the effect, ignore the subject)
Luis Gabriel YT: 'Electronic Shutter does NOT affect bokeh, but EFCS does!'
Guy with Camera YT: Bokeh Quality Poor? (Disable Electronic First Curtain Shutter or EFCS)
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It is a shame you even have to think about it. Most of the time I remember but sometimes I don't even realize I forgot till I get home and process the images.