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I disagree with hasenbein that looking at photos around here for years will impart photographic skills. Listening to many good songs won't make me a good musician, and likewise looking at multiple .5" shot groups at 100m isn't going to impart the fundamentals of marksmanship.
jungliaoh I've been in your shoes in other places online and here. My first few years with a camera in hand, I had no clue about leading lines, composition, etc, I was just taking shots of landscapes I thought looked cool. One of my first posts here got torn up, rightly so, and I was able to learn from it from a lot of specific critiques.
That said, the places I learned the most are from youtube tutorials like from Mark Denney, Nigel Danson, etc. There's a lot of them out there, and videos where they talk about composition, subject , framing and all of that. Watching a lot of those and the thought process in their work flow helped a lot, along with lots of practice on my end and practicing taking photos more mindfully and deliberately.
That's just my take as another non-professional hobbyist though (and not a good one at that, especially compared to a lot of people on this board.) Just wanted to offer that suggestion for you because I hate seeing people get torn down without suggestions on how to improve. I hope you keep taking pictures and enjoying the journey of improving on them!