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If you've gotten rid of near duplicates, bad exposures, and the like, have a number of distinctly different variants of the same scene, and don't dislike any of them, I personally wouldn't bin any. Hard drives are very cheap.
If and when you want to do something with the image, like print it, post it somewhere, or whatever, you probably want to find the "best" one. I don't think anyone else can do that for you. I've found that living with an image for a while nearly always determines if I like it as much as I initially thought, and can also determine the "best" among a group of similar images. By "living with" I mean looking at it frequently over a period of time, say as wallpaper on your computer, or if you can print it, stick it up on a wall for a while in an area you frequent. You may grow tired of some or all of the images, and/or you may gravitate toward one. Sometimes an image doesn't seem as good as I thought it was after the memories of being there and capturing it fade a little.
Good luck.