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Pixelpuffin wrote:
Great shots
Before I even opened the thread I wondered if this would be Black & White… is it because of the lighting?
I only ask as years ago I wanted to take shots of my son who had just started boxing.. the lighting was appalling hence forcing the iso sky high ruined the shots, so I removed all the colour to try to and improve.
Yes! The lighting is both awful and strangely wonderful at these events.
In order to avoid the ISO from going to the moon (happened to me also) you have to go full manual. I conferred with a few veteran photographers ringside who have much more experience than I. They recommended a shutter speed of 640 and an iso of 2000 to 3400. Aperture wide open. if you want to stop down, up the ISO. But keep it to 6400, work out the rest in post. If you really don't mind grain 12800 tops.
Each venue is unique but these are good guidelines to avoid issues. Now, when you do this, the color shots are much more useable and post friendly but when you convert them to black and white, something cool happens. You now have something out of the movie Raging Bull. Lol. That bad lighting, actually seems to work in favor of the black and white images. I decided to roll with it. But here are some in color for reference.