mitesh Offline Upload & Sell: On
p.3 #2 · p.3 #2 · WARNING - do not sell your cameras or lenses on eBay!!! | |
timgangloff wrote:
Off topic, but my experience with a high end laptop on FB Marketplace was horrendous. About 15 or 20 scammers trying to get the laptop but none willing to do a personal meetup at my local gym next to the police station.... Maybe for low value items or high value with a personal meetup at a safe location for buyer and seller, but never with a shipping situation. Never.
Maybe best idea to avoid this kind of scam, absent meeting with the seller, is to take the item to your local fedex or usps facility and let their CCTV's record you putting camera in the box, sealing it and giving it to the clerk. I don't know why this wouldn't work. I imagine most of these places are keeping their video for a week or two which should be sufficient for expedited shipping. ...Show more →
Really sorry for the OP’s experience, as it’s obviously a significant loss. I agree with Tim’s advice above. I’ve slowed down my buying and selling lately, but for the past couple years, whenever I do sell something greater than $2,000 in value, I take it to the FedEx store and let them pack and box it. That ensures that I’ve complied with their standard of packaging in case of a loss claim, and I can take a photo/video of the clerk taking possession of the item. I always insure for full replacement value, which though expensive, it worth my peace of mind.
With the increased risk of loss due to the incidence of shipping delays, missing packages and fraud, I might just consider taking less for my used gear and driving to a dealer for in-person trade in or sale.
Of course, none of this helps the OP in this unfortunate case, but hopefully can be useful to someone else.