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dystorsion wrote:
Just got my Steel Rim Re-issue back from Wetzlar CLA. (First went to NJ then Wetzlar). It arrived in Wetzlar in the beginning of July and seemingly got completed within 7 days and I have back it in my hands as of today July 10 (I was previously told six month wait). This amazing miracle of a story cannot be understated but that is not the focus of this post.
At first, my copy had no mechanical issues such as loose ring, loose cap, tight focus ring etc but it did arrive with back focusing (not focus shift) wide open i.e. not calibrated to my rangefinder. So when I stopped down, the plane of focus was even more behind the target than it should be resulting in unusable f2.0 f2.8 shots due to focus shift inherent to this lens. Whereas I understand from other users that their shots at f2.0 or f2.8 are great and usable.
After the CLA, things are now perfect within the limitations of this lens design. Here are my observations with this lens through the apertures demonstrating focus shift. I have DNG's of SpyderCal testing if anyone's interested. I tested lens on my two bodies showing exact same results (M11-P, M10R both of which have been calibrated to standard at Leica NJ).
- 1.4 On target with characteristic glow as you already know
- 2.0 On target and more clinical
- 2.8 Sharp but DOF extends backwards (beginning of focus shift)
- 4.0 Barely usable as the DOF does not include the target anymore
- 5.6 Better as DOF expands forward making the target in focus again
- 8.0 Back to acceptable
- 11, 16 Not tested (assuming acceptable results)
All things considered, this isn't bad at all in my opinion. In real world use on human subjects, all apertures are usable for me within my tolerance. Therefore I am happy that I sent my lens for CLA as I can now experience the lens the way it should be experienced i.e. two lenses in one, one with character, one with acceptable sharpness....Show more →
Interesting, I had similar issue with my lens, best focus always seemed way beyond the rf focus point. I sent the lens to Leica NJ and they sent it on to Wetzlar. We'll see how long it takes before it is back, estimate was 4 months but based on your experience it could be faster than that.