p.5 #1 · p.5 #1 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
"Thanks for reminding me why I don't care about visiting Key West.
Reminds me of when my wife and I visited St. Martin on a cruise. She asked if I wanted to go to see the nude beach. I told her "have you seen the people on this ship? Is there anyone on this ship you want to see nude?" Some places I just don't need to see!"
Went to the nude beach on Maui once. Please people, PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!
p.5 #4 · p.5 #4 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
Thank you Anthony. I'm counting the days when I can travel to exotic countries again. Taking my first little step to Mexico next week for some sun / beach time. Camera will come but only for memory pics.
p.5 #9 · p.5 #9 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
Shaun Nyc wrote:
Chez I like your people shots because you seem to engage . Did you know Glenn Capers from Nyc ?
Yes, I definitely engage with my subjects. Trying to sneak a candid shot is not my style. I try to communicate with many of my subjects…gives me a much better understanding than just taking a photo and running off. I travel to other cultures to see and learn and I don’t feel you learn much without engaging.
p.5 #10 · p.5 #10 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
chez wrote:
Yes, I definitely engage with my subjects. Trying to sneak a candid shot is not my style. I try to communicate with many of my subjects…gives me a much better understanding than just taking a photo and running off. I travel to other cultures to see and learn and I don’t feel you learn much with engaging.
Never heard of Glenn Caperas.
I agree with your analogy there. Some of your photos reminded me of a very dear close friend & photog who had passed away. He could start a conversation w anybody and was always headed somewhere w his oly or leica. Take care https://500px.com/p/blindmanshooting
p.5 #16 · p.5 #16 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
fotoactvst wrote:
I'm new to FM but here's my two; There's some excellent street posted in this thread but the large amount of images by a few seems a bit overwhelming.
Don't let it overwhelm you brother. I say post'm. I say the more that participate the better...
I think it would be great to have a lot of the street guys and gals work in one thread.
p.5 #18 · p.5 #18 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
fotoactvst wrote:
I'm new to FM but here's my two; There's some excellent street posted in this thread but the large amount of images by a few seems a bit overwhelming.
p.5 #20 · p.5 #20 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here
I was there in ‘58 courtesy USMC. We were all given pencillin pills just as we were debarking for our first night on the town as it were after 10 15 days in the Indian Ocean. Beautiful it was then. The women in the financial district were som of the very most beautiful one could want to take pictures of. I remember particularly the tram that took us to the top of Queen Victoria peak, IIRC the name.