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This is a former coworker of mine from the press that died this last February named Noel. Noel was an amazingly talented, and generous man. He shot as a part time photographer for editorial in the evenings, taught full time as an art teacher in a high school, played in many bands, and mentored students. One summer the city closed the city business thoroughfare (about half a mile long) to automobiles to stimulate business, and it worked great for about 15 years. Restaurants put tables out on the sidewalks, vendor carts sprung up, and kiosks. Fridays at lunch time was always (weather permitting) live music from a parade of local bands, while offices emptied of workers who now were going to this new "mall" instead of fast food places. I decided to have lunch there, and found Noel playing bass. The sound carried for quite a distance between the tall buildings. These are from July 1991 with a Nikon FM, bulk rolled Tri-X, and a 35-105mm ais.