gdanmitchell Offline Upload & Sell: Off
The second to last may well be the most "Big Sur" of the bunch, showing the curving coastline with successive headlands plus the low fog.
The bridge photograph is a scene that I've been paying attention to for years. (I wrote a bit about it at my blog today.) I first photographed in quite a few years ago and sort of thought I was done with it. But over the years I've encountered special conditions a few times that encouraged me to photograph it again. This was one of those times. I also framed it a bit differently this time — in the past I have typically tried to keep the low ridge with the fence posts out of the frame, but this time I included it.
While I was at the location in the other two photographs I made a video of the surf since it was quite a "big surf" day along the coast. I'll see if I can share it here later, too.
One more note: Not one of these is a monochrome photograph.
Edited on Jul 30, 2021 at 09:57 PM · View previous versions