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Bobg657 wrote:
Stunning images of a very rare sighting Karen, great job! In ten trips I've never seen this, actually only saw any serval twice overall so this is amazing! The only other melanistic shot I've seen was from Marc Mol who occasionally posts here, he works as a pro often in the Serengeti.
Thanks for sharing,
Thanks, Bob! Our tour leader/Canon pro has led tours to Africa for 20 years....and doesn't have a good image of a serval!
kdacharya wrote:
sweet shots of an incredible find, thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
AGeoJO wrote:
Great images - I love them, Karen! I was also fortunate enough to see and photograph albeit a regular serval cat that while in Serengeti several years ago. I am sure that melanism among them is rare.
Appreciate the comments, Joshua!
louie champan wrote:
Incredible find Karen, and you've done a super job with all of these images.
Thanks so much, Louie!
stanparker wrote:
Way to go, Karen, fortune favors talent.
Hi, Stan! Thanks!
Dave_E wrote:
Very nice Karen. We didn't come across one of these when we were in the Serengeti last year. Great shots
Our Tanzanian drivers were going crazy at this sighting. THEY had never seen a melanistic serval before, although they had heard from others that it was in that general area.
KCollett wrote:
Darned nice set, Karen.
Thanks so mcuh!
bobbytan wrote:
Really stunning capture of seldom seen animals! Great job, Karen!
Thank you! The tall grasses were a real challenge, but hey, that is their environment! !
dallvr wrote:
Terrific capture of what must be a very rare animal!
kmunroe wrote:
very nice set Karen
dclark wrote:
Great find. Your images are excellent!
There have been two prior posts on this site of black Servals.
The second one was referenced by Conebeam in the thread above but does not seem to be available any longer. It was a French(?) expedition to find the black Serval. Maybe someone knows how to get to that thread. Hobbes concluded it was the same Serval.
Thank you! Appreciate the info, Dave.
surfnron wrote:
Great work and a rare find Karen ~ Ron
It was a very tough trip, but this experience got our adrenalin flowing!
morris wrote:
Gorgeous images Karen
Appreciate it, Morris!