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Do you mean the MC/MD mount?
I haven't used that particular Fotofiox.
I couldn't find anything that adapted Minolta MC/MD to EOS when I looked (years ago). What I did was get a Minolta lens to M42 body adapter, then an M42 lens to EOS body adapter and screwed them together. It didn't line up the lens when fully tight, so I had to add a spacer to stop the M42 parts where the body was oriented correctly... using cardboard. It works. I was able to use my old Minolta bellows on the EOS bodies.
I have a Minolta MD lens to Fuji body Fotodiox adapter and it is a bit sloppy... too much play in the mounts.
My Nikon lens to Fuji X K&F concept adapter is tight. Very nicely made, and cheap. I wouldn't hesitate to try one.
Here is a K&F concept adapter with glass... you could probably remove the elements. If you write to them, they might have other ideas too.