Gregg B. Offline Upload & Sell: Off
So here is my new set of few of my shots from my recent trips to Northern CA (near Redwood NP) and Sierra Nevada Range. The first three shots are from the Sierras and more or less the same location. To get there a quite strenuous hike is required of around 6.5 maybe 7 miles one way. The distance isn't the problems however, it's the elevation gain (at least was for me). It starts at around 8K feet and ended (for me) at around 10200 feet. It took me 5 hours to get there with my way overweight backpack of ~55 pounds. But, you know, I had to have my photography gear with me
I'm not used to hikes this high. Yes, I've been to Patagonia now 6 times and did hike there, but elevation in Patagonia is maybe 6K feet. I'd say it starts at 4K and levels out at 6K unless one climbs the mountains, which aren't that tall anyway. So I was adapting slowly to the elevation change and, what comes with it, lack of oxygen. It took me 24 hours to sleep well
The last two shots are from hills and forests of Redwood National Park. I was after rhododendrons but this year they bloomed very late. I made two trips there and did take a few successful shots but since lots of photographers takes them now, I'm not going to bore you with "just another rhododendron shot".
Just as a side note, I'm now hooked to the Sierras. The mountains have so much to offer, man! Forget Patagonia, I'll be a frequent quest now exploring this 130 miles long mountain range. Imagine how much more it's there to discover? Literally there are thousands of peaks equally beautiful as the one on the first three shots.
Thanks for looking and enjoy the pictures.