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Archive 2017 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

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p.6 #1 · p.6 #1 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

ecarlino wrote:
i was a big fan of the Zony 35/1.4 - at or near wide open, with the right subj distance (and a central subj) it is beautiful. @ f/5.6 it's also good for city/landscapes.

but i think the first question you need to answer is foc len b/c 50 vs 35 is a big diff. through trial and error, i found a 25/50 combo works much better for me than 35/85.

also, even though it's well corrected, sharp and flat field, the zony 50/1.4 really renders quite nicely - I've migrated my files to google and can't post directly, so here's an
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I was never able to decide between 25/50/135 as opposed to 18/35/85. So I bought 'em all and now agonize over what to take with me on any given trip or excursion...

Mar 08, 2018 at 12:29 PM
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p.6 #2 · p.6 #2 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

MrTMan wrote:
I was never able to decide between 25/50/135 as opposed to 18/35/85. So I bought 'em all and now agonize over what to take with me on any given trip or excursion...

been there :-)
used to travel with 18,25,35,50,85 and 135
and each day take out either 25/50 or 35/85 and maybe either the 18 or 135 as well.
i'm actually thinking of trying one travel season with just 18/50/135....
on the one hand, it's nice to have options, on the other, i think i'd like the 50 for it's obvious all-around capabilities and then i'd like to learn to see 18 & 135 better and focus on composition.....

Mar 08, 2018 at 12:49 PM
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p.6 #3 · p.6 #3 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

I got three of them a month ago and tested them thoroughly using the Fred Miranda tests and the Siemens Star which Jim Kasson reviewed. All three were very good with two of them being excellent across the entire frame. Jim bought one of them himself he was so impressed.

I believe as they say you hear a lot from the few who sent back what they thought were bad copies but don't here from the ten thouands happy owners each year.

There was considerble discussion on DPreview on the threads we posted and it is also a belief by some that a fair amount of lenses where people think they got a bad copy was the result of not knowing how to properly test them.

I love mine and either this has been blown way out of proportion or perhaps Sony's QC has improved with the lens.

My 16-35GM is a super lens but there is something about the way the Distagon renders and image that makes it almost magical which the same can be said for the 50 1.4 ZA & 85 GM also IMO.

Mar 08, 2018 at 01:22 PM
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p.6 #4 · p.6 #4 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

ecarlino wrote:
been there :-)
used to travel with 18,25,35,50,85 and 135
and each day take out either 25/50 or 35/85 and maybe either the 18 or 135 as well.
i'm actually thinking of trying one travel season with just 18/50/135....
on the one hand, it's nice to have options, on the other, i think i'd like the 50 for it's obvious all-around capabilities and then i'd like to learn to see 18 & 135 better and focus on composition.....

Personally, a *lot* of my shooting is at 35mm or 50mm. So I'd hate to choose between the two. What I'll often do is [Batis 18 or 25] + 35mm + 50mm + Batis 135.

But the 35/1.4 and 50/1.4 are admittedly heavy to carry together, so rather than take both, I'll take one of them with me and then substitute the other focal length with the Loxia 35 or 50.

Mar 08, 2018 at 01:49 PM
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p.6 #5 · p.6 #5 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

Finally had a chance to read through the first few pages of the thread and can unequivocally say that the Canon 35 II was what I needed. My findings reflect much of what has already been stated regarding the respective performance of both the Canon and the Sony.

I ran the FE 35/1.4 for a few weeks and had to do too much convincing to myself to keep it. Mine was weak in several areas. While I could accept some centering issues (to a point), my biggest gripe was wide open shooting of subjects that were not within five feet. I was not happy with anything I got at distance, especially off center subjects.

Once I got my copy of the EF 35 II in my hands, it was clear that what I was getting out of my copy of the FE 35 was well below par.

The beauty of the EF 35 II, at least on the current gens of Sony bodies is you also get eye-AF. Also, this specific lens is one of the few Canon branded lenses I have left that have actually been able to achieve fast and accurate AF all the way out to the edges on both the Metabones IV and MC-11.

Between the IQ and AF performance, I haven't looked back.

As a side note, I also adapted the Sigma Art for a while which was very sharp. However, that sharpness came with a loss of smoothness/soft oof area rendering that the Canon was better at. At least with regard to those three 35s, the Canon was the best meeting of all the qualities I was looking for optically (and happened to AF very well as the other requisite).

Mar 08, 2018 at 02:07 PM
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p.6 #6 · p.6 #6 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

My 35/1.4 FE arrived earlier this week and after reading all the related threads on this forum I was a bit reluctant to do the detailed testing, but it seems as if I hit gold on my first copy. And seeing the pictures of my kids taken with it I regret not getting one sooner....


Jul 08, 2018 at 03:03 PM
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p.6 #7 · p.6 #7 · FE 35mm f/1.4 arrived - looks well-centered to me. Your thoughts?

Congrats! Mine arrived about three weeks ago and it is great as well!

Jonathan Brady wrote:
I just picked up the 35/1.4 from the UPS location where it was held, snapped a handful of images while I was taking my dog out to pee (all handheld, which is obviously not ideal but IS how I'll use the lens) and looked through them. It doesn't appear to have a "soft right side" to me but I'd certainly welcome more experienced eyes taking a peek.

All of these images were taken at f/1.4 as I figured that's where any soft sides would show the most dramatically. If not, please let me know!

The image with the pool showing was
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Jul 08, 2018 at 05:19 PM
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