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Ian Boys wrote:
Thanks Ian!
MM30 wrote:
Outstanding shots! Maybe just a hair of exposure gain, but I think we're almost picking nits at that point. The detail in the eye is great.
Cool, i was thinking the back ground maybe just a tad too dark for my tastes
Jonathan Brady wrote:
FANTASTIC images and I think the exposure pairs well with the expression on your son. Don't change a thing. They're PERFECTLY exposed, IMO.
Awesome thanks Jonathan!
travis.c wrote:
incredible. love the exposure.
mitchel674 wrote:
Sweet set, Shawn! Your son is really growing up fast! The last two are a tad underexposed for my taste (but I like portraits on the brighter side).
Glad to see you got this lens. l will own one soon. Seems a great compliment to the 58mm.
Thanks Mitch, I remember back on the Cafe few years ago before he was born, I saw pictures of your kids and how they were growing up, even seeing them today is incredible. I don't even want to think about my little guy growing up on me, how do you do it? lol
agelessphotog wrote:
Great photo's, too dark though.
Thanks, i think the back ground is just a tad dark for my tastes as well.