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Archive 2015 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

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p.35 #1 · p.35 #1 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Jman13 wrote:
Are you sure it's with the lens itself? It's a longstanding issue that the adapter will lose communication sometimes if you rotate the lens clockwise (when in shooting position)....next time you lose aperture, instead of remounting the lens, just twist it gently counterclockwise, and my guess is it'll come right back online.

Interesting never heard that. As in I'm holding camera in right hand and drop it down my right side and it makes a 1/4 turn? That is crazy if true.

Jan 28, 2016 at 08:29 AM
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p.35 #2 · p.35 #2 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

wallstreetonei wrote:
Frustrating as every few minutes it stops passing F Stop info and reverts to Manual.

I let the company know, they went out and puts cases the lens because they didn't own it. It could just be my copy of lend. And indoors just sitting around for a few shots it seems fine. Go out for a few hours an every 2 minutes it needs to be reconnected to come back on

Looks like it's either your adapter or the lens because I just came across the following:

"The AF is fast and reliable even with the Fotodiox Pro but slower than some Art prime lenses. The optical quality is good but I admit that in the end this lens didn’t impress me as much as I thought it could. The optical stabilisation works well in conjunction with the A7r II’s 5-axis stabilisation"

Source: http://www.mirrorlessons.com/2015/12/21/sigma-lenses-for-a7r-ii/

Jan 28, 2016 at 09:47 AM
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p.35 #3 · p.35 #3 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

ajamils wrote:
Looks like it's either your adapter or the lens because I just came across the following:

"The AF is fast and reliable even with the Fotodiox Pro but slower than some Art prime lenses. The optical quality is good but I admit that in the end this lens didn’t impress me as much as I thought it could. The optical stabilisation works well in conjunction with the A7r II’s 5-axis stabilisation"

Source: http://www.mirrorlessons.com/2015/12/21/sigma-lenses-for-a7r-ii/

All that is true. But take it out and work with it for an hour and see what happens.My lens works perfectly on multiple Canon bodies and the adapter is good on my L lenses

Jan 29, 2016 at 07:10 AM
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p.35 #4 · p.35 #4 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Hi, I work for Metabones, on the firmware. We have regular meetings with tech support and customer service to discuss customer cases like yours, and upon finding out about your case I immediately ordered a Sigma 24-105/4 OS Art lens to test. But I couldn't find any disconnection issue on Metabones IV V.47 and A7RII 3.00 even over long periods of time and under a variety of different camera settings. It was one of those mysterious cases, and I suggested to CS that other than exchanging your adapter, I can't think of anything else to do as the next step. If that still flunks then we will see what else we can do.

I have been working in the software industry for 19 years, and any time an issue is replicated in-house, most of the work is done and the solution itself is usually a piece of cake. But every now and then there is a one-off problem that multiple people fail to reproduce (i.e. okay for everyone else and every test thrown at it). It could be a very subtle difference in settings making the difference, but it could be something else, too. I assumed you had defective hardware and suggested a warranty exchange as the next step.

Jan 29, 2016 at 09:20 AM
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p.35 #5 · p.35 #5 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Tried the 135L f2 with the latest MB firmware and I'm noticing some inconsistent behavior. Sometimes the lens would focus instantly and everything would be in focus. Other times it would either completely refuse to focus or will hunt in steps. Even worse is that when it shows that focus is locked but resultant picture is completely out of focus. I'm seeing the later issue mostly with the face detection turned on.

Jan 29, 2016 at 06:46 PM
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p.35 #6 · p.35 #6 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

I also have the issue where the Metabones IV T will stop focussing and I have to move the lens in mount to establish the connection again.

Jan 29, 2016 at 07:21 PM
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p.35 #7 · p.35 #7 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Note that Sony's PDAF detects only vertical details. If PDAF is not able to take any readings it will hunt, and in steps like you noticed. A-mount + LA-EA3 would have given the same hunt in steps behaviour.

When a lens is first attached it needs to "learn" how to focus and the first couple of trials may have unsatisfactory performance or may refuse to focus outright. The solution is to give it some easy target for the first few trials (high contrast vertical detail). Once it warms up it will be able to tackle more difficult subjects.

Jan 29, 2016 at 07:27 PM
Fred Miranda
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p.35 #8 · p.35 #8 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

cyberstudio wrote:
Note that Sony's PDAF detects only vertical details. If PDAF is not able to take any readings it will hunt, and in steps like you noticed. A-mount + LA-EA3 would have given the same hunt in steps behaviour.

When a lens is first attached it needs to "learn" how to focus and the first couple of trials may have unsatisfactory performance or may refuse to focus outright. The solution is to give it some easy target for the first few trials (high contrast vertical detail). Once it warms up it will be able to tackle more difficult subjects.

This is something a lot of new Sony A7RII shooters are not aware of. Sony's PDAF fails miserably to lock on horizontal detail even with high contrast, especially in low light. It does ok with diagonal lines but it will work primarily with vertical detail. I believe that when PDAF fails to lock, contrast detection (much slower) takes place.

cyberstudio, since you worked with the firmware, I have a question for you: Is there a possibility of implementing EyeAF in future firmware upgrades or this is something not possible with an adapter?

Jan 29, 2016 at 07:48 PM
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p.35 #9 · p.35 #9 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

jamato8 wrote:
I also have the issue where the Metabones IV T will stop focussing and I have to move the lens in mount to establish the connection again.

If you need to move the lens around to get a connection it is a hardware failure and I would suggest talking to CS to get a replacement.

Hi Fred Miranda,

Thank you for your comments but sorry I am not at liberty to discuss the specifics of any potential future features. My general comment is that if there is a feature that is not supported for A-mount/LA-EA3, too (such as eye AF) you may want to talk to Sony about it. Virtually everything supported by A-mount on LA-EA3 is going to be supported by EF on Metabones.

Jan 29, 2016 at 09:09 PM
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p.35 #10 · p.35 #10 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

esanchez wrote:
I borrowed from my brother. I can confirm Metabones IV .47+ A7 II works fine with the Canon 28-135mm. Not a bad combo and lens is pretty sharp. I was surprised. It's a nice lens for not much money. I also tested the 17-55mm EFS and works great in crop mode, but it's more a 25-82mm.


just bought 28-135mm Canon for almost nothing on ebay with thought of using it as vacation type lens on my A7R2 after not being happy with 24-240 Native FE lens. That last time I used 28-135 was many years ago when I owned 40D. I like the range.

Feb 01, 2016 at 10:44 PM
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p.35 #11 · p.35 #11 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Canon 28-135 looks like a great option as a walk around lens. How is the sharpness and AF speed on A7RII? Got any picture to share?

Feb 01, 2016 at 11:25 PM
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p.35 #12 · p.35 #12 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

ajamils wrote:
Canon 28-135 looks like a great option as a walk around lens. How is the sharpness and AF speed on A7RII? Got any picture to share?

mine is in the mail and I will be getting it next Monday (Thank you UPS Ground for taking sweet time).

Feb 02, 2016 at 12:53 AM
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p.35 #13 · p.35 #13 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

I think sharpness is great on my copy. Like most Canon zooms, at the wide end the focus is snappy, but at the long side takes a little longer to catch focus and in low light they struggle to focus. Lots of hunting. The Canon 70-200mm is much quicker to focus than the 28-135mm and so is the 40mm 2.8. I'm guess the older the lens it will be a bit slower to focus than newer lenses. I assume newer focusing code/firmware.

Feb 02, 2016 at 09:11 AM
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p.35 #14 · p.35 #14 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility


Just for fun on my 400mm f2.8 IS with EF2X III. In bright sun it sometimes did achieve focus. Sometimes it did give up and I would help it along getting it close and then it would focus.

Feb 12, 2016 at 10:25 AM
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p.35 #15 · p.35 #15 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

pizdets17 wrote:
Sigma 150-600C EF mount doesn't work worth a damn. My contribution.

interesting, what firmware version? My Tamron 150-600 works, i'm suprised sigma doesn't.

Feb 15, 2016 at 01:26 PM
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p.35 #16 · p.35 #16 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

anyone tried Sigma 50-500 OS with metabones and latest firmware?

Feb 15, 2016 at 01:27 PM
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p.35 #17 · p.35 #17 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Anyone tried 85L Mark 1 on Metabones (A7R2).....? How is AF with that combo

Feb 25, 2016 at 03:26 PM

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p.35 #18 · p.35 #18 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility


I´m using a A7RII + Techart III adapter with Canon 200 2.8 L II and Canon 85 1.8.

I´m planing to buy a 150-600 lens for example a Tamron 150-600 or Sigma C 150-600.

The Tamron ist available in A-mount too but the A-mount version has no OS.

Does anybody tried the EF-mount Version of the 150-600 Tamron or Sigma with a Sony a7RII or A7II (PDAF) and the Techart III (DEO) Adapter ?

Please let me know.

Mar 01, 2016 at 11:30 AM

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p.35 #19 · p.35 #19 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

absolutic wrote:
Anyone tried 85L Mark 1 on Metabones (A7R2).....? How is AF with that combo

As long as you use a focus area near the centre, it seems to work reasonably well - quite usable imo. Also, the focus is very accurate even at f1.2. This is with Metabones IV 0.47 firmware.

Mar 01, 2016 at 11:47 AM
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p.35 #20 · p.35 #20 · A7RII and Canon lenses AF compatibility

Jman13 wrote:
It's possible. If you have a local store, perhaps see if you can't test out their A7 II with your Metabones. Hope you get it figured out. Something definitely seems wrong at the camera/adapter level.

After going to a local camera store, I found out that essentially the phase detect points in the camera that I had weren't working even when using native FE lenses. I was just surprised since I haven't heard of a Sony A7 II having that particular problem. Everything is fine now after returning the A7 II that I bought and purchasing another one.

Mar 03, 2016 at 12:24 AM
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