Steady Hand Offline Upload & Sell: Off
Everything I write here on FM is intended to help. Everything I write is in a truly friendly spirit and tone of voice.
Unfortunately, you can't hear my voice on this forum, and written comments can be easily misunderstood for tone and intent. That is why I prefer to speak with people on a phone call when giving them advice and giving critical opinions (critique) of their images. Otherwise, what is intended to help someone can be taken wrongly, and that defeats the purpose of the communication. And, because I want to avoid flaming and trolls, I tend to refrain from writing some things here that could be instrumental in helping someone improve, but may be taken out of context or misused by others. So, I limit my written comments here...though I am sure some will disagree on that last point.
What follows is written with respect for your skill as a photographer.
But what I write is also balanced and honest (similar critique for all photos shown here).
At first glance I enjoyed seeing the photos. So, take that as a positive.
She is pretty, and I like water.
But, looking for longer than one second, a few things caught my more critical eye:
1. Image One. Intense and artificial blue in water. It draws attention to the water/blue...and generally gives a "fake stuff used here" feeling to image. Either that or she is in effluent from an ink factory.
2. Image Two. Her right arm (image left) looks odd, almost like it was "liquefied" or reconstructed in post. This may be an illusion, but it looks that way to me. In addition, the skin looks Orange in several places (chest, face).
3. Image Three. The color temp of her skin just looks too artificial for scene and the backlit hair (behind her head) looks out of place (or flashed). (Too warm). In fact, this image appears to be a composite, due to the light outline of the body and hair etc.
4. Image Four. The circles in image foreground do not make me think "water or raindrops" but instead: "website background applied as layer to photo" or "texture used here." The face on this image looks SMOOTH while the rest of the body is "wet and dripping."
I hope these comments help you.