Tom Harpstead Offline Upload & Sell: Off
I took about 30 images on a level tripod, and rendered a panorama image. I then cropped and "leveled" it. The resulting image was ~11,000 X 1000 pixels. I then made the image square with out constraining the proportions. It looks really weird at this point. The next step it to invert the image so that the sky is at the bottom, then you apply the "polar distortion filter" to the squared image. At this point there may be some artifacts that need to be "cleaned" up, however that can be tricky, as cloning is not the best tool. I used the polygon select tool and layers for the final clean up.
I think there are must be a more informative video tutorial available. I saw one a while back, I can dig through my note and find it if you would like.
Edited on Aug 12, 2013 at 07:50 AM · View previous versions