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Archive 2012 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

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p.6 #1 · p.6 #1 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Sweetf8 wrote:
My ring didn't come apart even after several cuts. It took me more than an hour to sand it off also using a dremel :(. After gluing, I painted the inside with fine grain pigmented enamel flat paint bought from Micro-Tool (part# CF3-F).

I've tried it with the Cokin Z Pro holder, it's bad! Vignetting with both shift and tilt. While with Lee holder, tilt was OK, I got about 6-7mm shift both ways w/o problem.

You could use the screwdriver to nail the ring a bit and it would come apart easily.

Sep 10, 2012 at 10:23 AM
Super Angulon
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p.6 #2 · p.6 #2 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Anybody knows how to remove foam strip on Lee big stopper? I tried to use this filter with fred's adapter and my 17mm tse can see this foam. So i think to remove it.

Sep 14, 2012 at 09:50 PM

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p.6 #3 · p.6 #3 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

There have been a great deal of suggestions and replies on this topic. However, the issue of how much vignetting exists with shifting on the 17mm stills seems to be a hazy issue...

Can anyone give a rough indication of this please. As an architectural photographer, I have little use for the Tilt aspect of the 17mm (well, it's great fun out of work) but shifting is essential. A little vignetting is tolerable and to a certain extent correctable. Can anyone here say how much exists with the lee system and the modified lens cap approach to this?

Many Thanks,


Oct 10, 2012 at 09:50 AM
ben egbert
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p.6 #4 · p.6 #4 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

The adaptor is hand made, no two are likely to be alike. On my web page, I have some examples of how much vignetting my adaptor gives. Here is a link.


Oct 10, 2012 at 07:57 PM

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p.6 #5 · p.6 #5 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Thanks Ben,

These photos are a great help. So is this the same setup as shown on the start of this forum post?

Many Thanks,


Oct 17, 2012 at 11:57 AM
ben egbert
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p.6 #6 · p.6 #6 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Its the same, that is I started with a lens cap, cut it down and glued on a Lee Adaptor that I had.

The variables are that it is cut by hand and no dimensions are given. I cut mine flush to another part of the ring as described at my web page. But it will probably vary with user. The accuracy of a hand cut plastic part is also going to be poor.

Then we all use various Lee adaptor rings. But the WA series are all alike once the inner threaded part is cut and removed. So the next variable is how concentric it is glued to the lens cap. Mine is a bit off center which is evidence by unequal vignetting.

Oct 17, 2012 at 07:53 PM
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p.6 #7 · p.6 #7 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

ben egbert wrote:
The adaptor is hand made, no two are likely to be alike. On my web page, I have some examples of how much vignetting my adaptor gives. Here is a link.


I'm not sure what you mean by "clicks". Do you mean each mm it was shifted? I guess you can't use it at full shift?

Oct 18, 2012 at 10:00 AM
ben egbert
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p.6 #8 · p.6 #8 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

n0b0 wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean by "clicks". Do you mean each mm it was shifted? I guess you can't use it at full shift?

Each one of the marks on the dial I call it a click to avoid units I am never sure of. You can't use full shift with any adaptor I have seen. Maybe that big one that bolts on, I have no experience with that,

Oct 18, 2012 at 12:20 PM
Roland W
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p.6 #9 · p.6 #9 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

The shift marks on the Canon TS-E lenses are one millimeter each, and the marks for tilt are one degree each. For the tilt especially it is important to know that for matching up with tilt tables that show angles in degrees.

Oct 18, 2012 at 02:00 PM
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p.6 #10 · p.6 #10 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

ben egbert wrote:
Each one of the marks on the dial I call it a click to avoid units I am never sure of. You can't use full shift with any adaptor I have seen. Maybe that big one that bolts on, I have no experience with that,

Thanks for the info. I usually use it fully shifted so I guess that custom holder is no good for me.

Oct 18, 2012 at 03:28 PM

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p.6 #11 · p.6 #11 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

This thread is great and I am proceeding with the spare hood and Lee WA adapter -- thanks for everyone's help! I have a spare 72mm WA which seems to have a much wider flange than the 77 and 82 that people have used above. I will see if it works before gluing and will report back.

Quick question though -- how to fit the little spring back into the old hood locking lever rocker? Where does that spring go exactly? How do you fit it in place and refit the rings?

Nov 07, 2012 at 12:52 AM
robert mariani
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p.6 #12 · p.6 #12 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

I will echo dswtan and thank everyone for your insight to modifying a Lee WA adapter to use the Lee Filter Holder on the Canon 17mm TS, especially FM for starting this thread.

Couple things I learned in making mine:

I used the Lee 82mm WA adapter and like others, I cut out the inner ring as suggested. I then used a Dremmel tool to further cut away the remaining interior flange to make it flush with the inside diameter of the Lee Adapter. I wish I had taken photos of the before and after, but I didn't.

So after attaching the WA adapter to the donor Canon lens cap, which worked great, I put it onto the lens. Holding the lens back to a small light, with the rear lens cap attached, I found that while the WA adapter attached to the lens cap was "light tight". HOWEVER, I was bummed to find that the cap, attached to the lens IS NOT light tight. I could see two slivers of arch shaped light coming through the cap back side, that could contribute to reflections of light especially when using a Big Stopper during the middle of the day.

I tried looking for all sorts of solutions to block the light coming through the back side of the cap without interfering with the lens focus ring. After looking at several homemade solutions, I stopped in at Target, and bought the thickest diameter woman's hair bands (black) I could find. I slid one over the lens up to the back of the lens cap, viola, light blocked. And it stays in place as I rotate the focus ring.

Not saying any of you have this same issue with your lens cap, but maybe you have not noticed it before. If you do have the same issue, head to Target or the like, the solution is less than $1 away.

Hope this helps someone else! BTW, get the bands without metal on them, that could scratch your lens body.

Jan 14, 2013 at 06:33 PM
Fred Miranda
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p.6 #13 · p.6 #13 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

For those who want the adapter but do not want to make it themselves, Robert White is now selling it:

I don't know how well it works but it's another option.

Sep 13, 2013 at 07:58 PM
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p.6 #14 · p.6 #14 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

I took a different approach. Instead of adding the lee adapter, I took a cheap 95mm filter and removed the glass. Then I glued the empty filter to the cutoff lens cap. Nothing to report but I should be able to get a larger shift before it cuts into the picture.

Sep 13, 2013 at 09:16 PM
Roland W
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p.6 #15 · p.6 #15 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

I just ordered one of the Lee filter adapters for the 17 TS-E from Robert White Company in the UK. They said it was in stock, and that I should have here in the US in roughly 5 to 7 days. I will report observations about it when it arrives.

Clearly it is only for 100mm wide filters, which limits shift to a degree, but I am willing to work with that limitation. I do like the idea of being able to use the Big Stopper solid ND, as well as other 100mm square solid ND filters, and I also will consider getting a good 100mm square polarizer for the occasions where I need one on this lens. I know that the sky is an issue with polarizers for a lens this wide, but there are lots of scenes that do not have sky, and can benefit from reflection control from water, as well as improved color saturation for foliage and some types of rocks.

Sep 13, 2013 at 10:38 PM
Fred Miranda
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p.6 #16 · p.6 #16 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Flowernut wrote:
I took a different approach. Instead of adding the lee adapter, I took a cheap 95mm filter and removed the glass. Then I glued the empty filter to the cutoff lens cap. Nothing to report but I should be able to get a larger shift before it cuts into the picture.

Could you elaborate on which filter and how well this works? Post a couple pictures if you can.

Sep 14, 2013 at 12:49 PM
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p.6 #17 · p.6 #17 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Received my Lee Canon 17mm tse adaptor today and I compared it to my homemade Canon lens cap mod. I don't think there is much difference at all. Maybe 1mm diff when shifting.


Sep 20, 2013 at 06:09 AM
Roland W
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p.6 #18 · p.6 #18 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

I just got my Lee adapter for the 17mm f4 L TS-E lens, and it looks very functional. The construction is all metal, and the strength and durability appear excellent. The adapter bayonets on to the lens similar to how the cap would, but has no locking detent to keep it on. But the friction of it bayoneting on is high, and it would require a large amount of rotation before it would become loose. The only negative about the bayonet action is that it seems almost too tight, but I expect I will get used to it.

The front face of this adapter projects forward to just in front of the front lens element, probably less than 0.3 mm. When you put a Lee filter holder assembly on the adapter, the rear slot is located such that the back face of the 4 inch wide filter is going to be about 0.5 mm in front of the front element, so they have is about as close to the lens as you would ever desire.

The hole in the front of the adapter is about 84.6 mm in diameter, which is slightly larger than the inside of a standard Lee wide angle adapter if you remove the inner ring, like is described for making the do it your self lens cap adapter. . In addition, the front inside rim is beveled at 45 degrees for about a 2 mm width, which additionally helps for field of view through the adapter. It looks like they have done this about as wide as you can imagine and still use a normal Lee filter holder for 4 inch filters, which needs to lock on to a standardized bevel edge, and thus can not be larger.

I am very happy with the unit so far, but have not done any field of view checking. But any previous testing with 4 inch filters in a Lee holder will end up pretty much the same as using those items with this adapter, so I expect limited shift coverage, but full tilt coverage. Don't expect any magic out of this compared to other 4 inch Lee holder solutions, like with the lens cap adapter.

I do have a filter holder set up for one filter slot plus the 105mm threads for a polarizer, and will check that out for if a polarizer shows up in the corners with no shift. I will also set up a Lee holder with just the 105mm threads on it, with no holder slot, and see how that works.

Sep 24, 2013 at 08:30 PM
Jonathan Huynh
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p.6 #19 · p.6 #19 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

Roland. would you kindly post some photos of after maket Lee adapter for Canon TS-E 17mm Lens. I'm really insterested to see how it's look like.

Sep 24, 2013 at 10:52 PM
Roland W
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p.6 #20 · p.6 #20 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter

The link that Fred posted above for the Robert White company shows the adapter pretty well. Here is the link again for easy reference:


The photo in the link can be double clicked to enlarge it. What is shown has a Lee filter holder clipped on to the front of the adapter, and the rest that you can see is the metal of the adapter body.

Another view of it is shown on the Lee site. Look about half ways down in the following link to see the adapter from the front, and in this view you can see the rim that the holder clips on to showing.


I am not sure if the adapters are available in the US directly right now, but I had good service from Robert White in the UK. The shipping transit time was a little longer than the original estimate, but 10 days of Royal Mail transit time is not too bad.

Sep 25, 2013 at 01:30 AM
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