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Archive 2015 · Choosing the right audio for your video


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p.1 #1 · p.1 #1 · Choosing the right audio for your video

Which do you think is best effective way to brand your products?
Emotional or Logical?
The left part of human brain logically processes the visuals, whereas the right brain emotionally processes the audio. Visuals make us think about the movie whereas the audio makes us feel the movie. Research says that the right brain wins over the left brain. So I believe emotional branding makes a stronger effect than the logical effect. Here's a blog which gives a better information about it http://mjmmedia.com/how-to-choose-the-right-music-for-your-video-production/
In reality, even if the video component has flaws and turns out to be very much less than perfect but if the audio is clear at the right volume free of distractions then the video can still be an overall success. Hence it is very important to choose the right music for your video.
Here's a video that illustrates this.
In this 4 different music is given to the same video. Each time it gives a different feeling to the viewer. But it is very easy to identify which audio suits it better.
Let me hear your comments on how music affects you when watching a video

Jul 27, 2015 at 01:20 AM

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